It would be nice to have more flexible reporting, for example:
1) Reports based on the telephone number that called us. Sometimes a caller will complain they have been on hold for a certain period of time. With the CDR, we can just do a search for their phone number and find out if that is the case. With QM, it does not appear we have that option.
2) When we do billing, we ignore any calls less than 30 seconds, as these are generally hang-ups/drops/disconnects/etc. QM does not seem to give us the ability to create a report that ignores those calls.
3) Add the option or ability to have the call times in each section. For example, in the "Agents on queue" section, in addition to name, number of calls, and the percentage, it would be nice to see the total talk time for that agent for those calls. It's great to see that over the last 24 hours Agent1 took 75 calls, and Agent2 took 64 calls, but if I see that Agent1's talk time is only 100 minutes, versus Agent2's 225 minutes, and I know the calls should last at least 2 minutes, I'm going to look more closely at the disparity between Agent1's call numbers and talk time.
Thanks for the great work so far!