Author Topic: it is normal this behavior?  (Read 2267 times)


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it is normal this behavior?
« on: July 06, 2011, 19:02:59 »
Hi guys it is me again.

I am  having some issue with blind transfer calls, they appear  as unanswered in QM reports and the register  into queue_log it is like:

| time_id            | call_id                | queue |  agent                      | verb                        | data1 | data2           | unique_row_count |
| 1309532916 | 1309532885.6256 | 800    | NONE                       | ENTERQUEUE          |           | 16827127              |                1   |
| 1309532936 | 1309532885.6256 | 800    | Agent/1014237515 | CONNECT                 | 20      | 1309532934.6340 |                3  |
| 1309532959 | 1309532885.6256 | 5261  | Agent/79955469     | CALLOUTBOUND      |           | 16827127              |                3  |
| 1309532975 | 1309532885.6256 | 5261  | Agent/79955469     | CONNECT                 |           | 1309532885.6256 |                1  |
| 1309532991 | 1309532885.6256 | 5261  | Agent/79955469     | COMPLETECALLER   | 16      | 16                           |                2  |

the call is answered by agent  1014237515  and then blindtransfered to 79955469 . which is on  queue 5261 and  Agent 79955469  its on a extension.

it is ok what is registered o queue_log or something is missing?



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Re: it is normal this behavior?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2011, 11:03:32 »

I've filled a bug (#1352) in our bug tracker. It will be evaluated by our technical staff as soon as possible.

Thank you for your feedback

Best regards,
Marco Signorini.


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Re: it is normal this behavior?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 10:21:20 »
I'd say that the blind transfer appears nowhere in the log, so there is no way for Qm to report it.