Author Topic: Outbound queues agents name problem  (Read 4427 times)


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Outbound queues agents name problem
« on: March 19, 2008, 16:28:20 »
Hi all
I have configured an outbound queue and i can see outbound calls from my agents in queuemetrics. My problem is that i have named my agents and in the reports i see inbound calls that where serviced by an agent with the name i have configured but not outbound that seem to be serviced by a new agent called Agent/(agent number).
So i have inbound calls recorded for (agent name) and outbound for Agent/(agent number). I know that this is the Agent/ ${MY_AGENT} in the dialplan but i tried to read   a record from asterisk database that i created so instead of the Agent/${MY_AGENT} could be the name i entered without success.Is there a way to configure queuemetrics to know that (agent name) and Agent/(agent number) is the same agent and record inbound and outbound calls to the same agent?
Thanks for you time.


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Re: Outbound queues agents name problem
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2008, 10:22:54 »
How did you define the Agents in inbound? And how is the agent in outbound different? is it just the number that is different?


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Re: Outbound queues agents name problem
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2008, 12:16:00 »
In agents.conf i have
agent => 100,,(agent name)
and (agent name) is what queuemetrics configures in agent description when it reads the confs.
My problem is that in real time monitoring and reports for inbound queues i can see the
(agent name) but on outbound calls i see a new agent Agent/100 that seems to be different from the other agent that has a name.
Thanks for replying


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Re: Outbound queues agents name problem
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2008, 15:33:39 »
This is strange, as both agents should be called the same. Could you send over a piece of the queue_low here an inbound call is seen and one where an outbound for the same agent is seen?


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Re: Outbound queues agents name problem
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2008, 11:48:35 »
Watching queue log to send you the log of an outbound and inbound calls of the same
agent i found my own error on the dialplan.
where exten => _9X.,n,Set(MY_AGENT=${CALLERID(num)}) i had 
MY_AGENT= ${CALLERID(num)}) so the extra space was passing Agent/ 100 instead of Agent/100 and queuemetrics coulden't match the name with the agent.
I fix that and everything works like a charm.
Thanks anyway and sorry for the inconvenience.


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Re: Outbound queues agents name problem
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2008, 10:00:44 »
Thanks to you - there is always a good reason why things happen (with computers, at least!) :)