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Messages - praudada

Pages: [1] 2
What is your support portal?
Let me know the e-mail address of the support portal.

Hi, Everyone.
I'm trying to create a PDF report with Queuemetrics 13.04, but Korean Language is not supported.
How can I solve this problem?

Excel is no problem...

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Is it possible?
« on: July 14, 2009, 04:41:37 »
Thanks for your reply.

I've done as the manual,  but  the url is not open immediately when the agent receives a call.

New window is showed up after the page is refreshed.

Any other way?

Running QueueMetrics / Is it possible?
« on: July 13, 2009, 09:30:58 »
Hello all?

I want to open the URLs immediately when a Agents receive a call.

Is it possible?

Running QueueMetrics / Anybody knows this?
« on: July 07, 2009, 06:57:04 »
I've found something weired ...
When i set the file extension of call record file as .WAV (upper case)
the file sizes  are very smaller than lower case .wav

Can anybody explain the why?


Anybody help me...

I want to monitor outbound calls. and my asterisk is configured to using PSTN for all outbound calls.

I tried to use  the default configure of extensions_queuemetrics.conf..


   exten => 14,6,ChanSpy(SIP/${QM_CALLERID}|q)

but it is not working... I think I should change the ChanSpy(SIP/...) to ChanSpy(Zap/xxxx) likely...

How should I change it?

I think QM 1.5.2 is very useful.... and is achieved much.

I have an idea for more convience. When we open the detail Unanswered call page, we need to dial to missed number.
so if there a button to dial , it would be very convient.  ::) ::)

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Is it a bug??
« on: April 25, 2009, 12:44:27 »
So,  How can I cofigure multi tenant call center?

I 'm operating three call center by queuemetrics. and I control each supervisors security by Location Security Key....

So, after a supervisor open the realtime page of his Location, and then he open the quick report pages

then he can't show any unanswered calls...  I think the filering by Location Secutiry Key is effected

once he open the realtime monitoring page. right?

How can i this problem. Help....

Running QueueMetrics / Is it a bug??
« on: April 24, 2009, 02:36:07 »
I upgraded to 1.5.1
and I found a bug.

The option "default.showLostCallsWhenFiltering=true" is not work.

Check up. please...

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Location Key and Call stats.
« on: September 29, 2008, 13:27:40 »

I solved this problem.  ::) ::) ::)

I upgraded to ver and add following line to file.


That's all.

I hope to help you.

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Location Key and Call stats.
« on: September 11, 2008, 12:01:01 »
Thanks a lot!

And I hope to fix it ASAP!

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Location Key and Call stats.
« on: September 11, 2008, 08:23:31 »
Before open the RT monitoring ... ( I think this shows right values )

when i open the RT monitoring page ( I think this is OK, too)

when I open the quick report pages.. ( I think this is bug.. ^^)

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Location Key and Call stats.
« on: September 09, 2008, 10:28:39 »

Before I open the realtime page and select any location, the lost calls are shown.

But once after open the realtime page and select any location, the lost calls are not counted in section "Report details:" "Total call processed:" of other pages ('Ans.", "Unans."... etc)

 License Infomation is

Software release: Loway QueueMetrics - 1.4.5
Licenced to: ATechPlusCo-KR-CC1
Maximum licenced agents:     20 [S:1]
Licence expires on:  2012-08-01
   Show end-user licence agreement 
Operating System:  O.S.: Linux - Ver: 2.6.9-11.ELsmp - i386 
Java Runtime:  Version: 1.5.0_07
Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Class Version: 49.0
Java Home: /usr/local/jre1.5.0_07
System path:  /usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.23/webapps/queuemetrics/WEB-INF 
Loway TPF:  Version: $Revision: 1.49 $ #Build: 1232#P 
Language pack:  $Id:,v 1.19 2008/06/23 19:13:07 lenz Exp $ 
System time:  Java Time: 2008-09-10 17:48:53 [1221036533]
Java Time Zone: Asia/Seoul
MySQL Time: 2008-09-10 17:48:53.0 [1221036533] 

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Location Key and Call stats.
« on: September 09, 2008, 03:45:14 »
OK, but Problem is that when I don't open the realtime page then lost calls are counted and after open the realtime page then lost calls are not counted.

Can you understand? Stats are not consistent.

Report Details:   
Atomic queue(s) considered:    00 All
WebTax, eSCM, eTrade
Period start date:    9월 09 2008, 0:00
Period end date:    9월 09 2008, 23:59
Total calls processed:    61   <- This value not include lost calls.
100.0% ans / 0.0% unans  <- Always 100% ans

Running QueueMetrics / Location Key and Call stats.
« on: September 05, 2008, 15:13:30 »

I found something weired.

When any user have a key on a Location and the user open the realtime page and select the Location, the user can see the only agents of the Location. This works well and it is good function.

But after this, "Unanswered calls" are not counted in all other pages and "Total calls processed"  values are same with "Answered calls" so 100% ans.

That is not occured before opennig the realtime monitoring page or selects the Location value as '-'.

Check it please.


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