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Messages - David

Pages: [1]

I'm already using qloaderd



We are running into a issue. We have a fresh install of Quemetrics 15.10 with Asterisk 13. When we login as an agent. We select "Agent Logon". we see the 6 queues in the "Queue Logged In" with a icon in circle. If we wait like 30 seconds, the queue will go back to "Available Queue" like if we were not logged in.

But, if we it refresh, we see that we are logged in.

I can confirm on the Asterisk side it's working as expected. It's really only a "refresh problem" We are using qloaderd and it's working as expected.

Thx !

QueueMetrics installation / Queuemetrics https
« on: July 08, 2010, 16:12:15 »
Is it possible to use https instead of http to access QueueMetrics ?


It's working well with Asterisk 1.6 but in Asterisk 1.6 the | (pipe) are not parsed anymore, you must replace them with , (coma).

Note : Not in the System() application.

The only thing not working correctly is the fact that we now in queuemetrics it show that it's always the caller who hangup, other than that everything seem to be working fine with 1.6


It's working fine !


Is it possible to separate queuemetrics and the sql database on two diffetent server. The think I don't know is what to put in the files :

for flat file : default.queue_log_file=/var/log/asterisk/queue_log
for sql on the same server : default.queue_log_file=sql:P01
for sql on different server : ?


Improving QueueMetrics / Report based on call duration
« on: March 25, 2007, 19:31:34 »
It would be very usefull to be able to produce reports based on the call duration. For example, being able to filter all the call that were more than 30 sec long by agent/ by queue

I tried to chage the SIP/XXX for Agent/XXX and it didn't work. Same result for the Local trick. All the other statistic are working fine, I cant see how many call an agent receive etc... but I can't get any session details.

Here the result of queue_log:




I'm trying to get queuemetrics to report when the agent login and logout. I'm unable to get it work. I have tried with addqueuemember and with agentcalllogin. None of them work. The agetn can receive call and realtime panel show the agent as logged in but when I generate a report, I can't see the agent session detail.

Here are the queue_log details with addqueuemember :

Macro used to login:

exten => s,1,AddQueueMember(payment,SIP/${CALLERID(num)})
exten => s,n,System( echo "${EPOCH}|${UNIQUEID}|NONE|SIP/${CALLERID(num)}|AGENTLOGIN|-" >> /var/log/asterisk/queue_log)
exten => s,n,Wait(0.5)
exten => s,n,Playback(agent-loginok)
exten => s,n,Hangup()

And with agentcallbacklogin:

Is there anything special I should do ? I'm version 1.3.3. I did the installation using the yum repositories.


QueueMetrics installation / Time Error
« on: March 15, 2007, 00:05:59 »

I have a problem with the new timezone here in Canada. My linux server do have the right time when using :date and clock command. I'm in the right timezone and I can confirm that the update for my fedora is installed. Every linux service are running well. The problem is that Quemetrics doesn,t use the right time. For example, in the realtime panel, it is 1 hour late.

What could I do ?

Pages: [1]