Could somebody explain how is computed the value for "AvgRing" and "TotalRing" for Taken Calls@ACD attempts by terminal.
I have configured Agents phones with "AutoAnswer" and the call is answered immediatelly after reaching the agent phone.
Still we get, into the mentioned report, something like:
Agent N. lost Avg ring Ring (s) N. Taken Avg ring Ring (s)
Ana Rusu 0 - 0:00 29 0:47 22:50
Cristina B 0 - 0:00 12 0:17 3:33
Victor Ilie 0 - 0:00 10 0:25 4:18
Violeta N 0 - 0:00 15 0:48 12:11
In the queue_log there are no RINGNOANSWER events and I suspect that the vallue is wrongly computed as "Wait time of call till Agent X have answered" instead of the "Ring Time for Agent X".
Anybody have noticed this issue before - or is something wrong in our setup?
Best regards,
asterisk 1.8.6