I'm trying to pull the data that is stored in the QA Notes fields (along with the specific call information) from QM. Is there a way that I can pull the specific data through XML-RPC? I was experimenting with just pulling it out of the MySQL database, which worked fine. I am just having trouble getting connections to the server, due to security...
So basically, I'd either like to pull all of the QA data or pull the results of a SP that I already have in place in MySQL, through XML-RPC. Any thoughts on this? ANy help would be appreciated. I have looked through the manuals, but have not found anything that accesses the QA Notes data.
I mode some more progress, but not 100%. I am able to pull the actual data from the Queue Details (DetailsDO.CallsOK), but still unable to gather any actual data from the QA Form Comments (QualAssFormDO.Comments).
This returns all of the data for the past day, the same as I would see it online:
res2 = server.QM.stats("605|610", "robot", "robot", "", "", yesterday+".00:00:00", today+".15:59:59", "", ['DetailsDO.CallsOK']);
While this just returns a header row with now actual data below it:
res1 = server.QM.qaformreport("605|610", "robot", "robot", yesterday+".00:00:00", today+".23:59:59", "", "QA-Test", "", ['QualAssFormDO.Comments']);
Anyone have any thoughts???
Thanks, still hoping for help, while I continue to experiment...