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Messages - Red_Devil99

Pages: [1]
Running QueueMetrics / Re: Retrieval of call recordings
« on: March 29, 2012, 12:27:30 »
We have managed to get this working with XML RPC call retrieval method

Running QueueMetrics / Retrieval of call recordings
« on: March 26, 2012, 18:56:51 »

I seem to be having a problem with listening to call recordings on one of my queues.

When the call recording URL is generated it has the filename twice which causes me to not be able to listen to the call. (example below).

Problem URL:

Now I know the problem is being cause by there being a symbolic link in Linux in /call_recording_linux_directory_name for "queue2" directory which points to "queue1" directory so QM finds the file (or UNIQUE_ID) twice when searching through the call recording root directory.

Unfortunately I cannot remove the symbolic link since I have an application which accesses recordings directory using "queue2" directory name

Is there any way to tell QM to not follow symbolic links when searching for call recordings?
Or maybe tell QM to stop searching after the first recording file is found (in "queue1")?
Or maybe exclude "queue2" directory from recording searches?

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2
QueueMetrics -
Java 1.6.0_3

Thank you

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Agent pause duration displayed
« on: November 29, 2011, 09:32:08 »
How do I go about doing this?

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Agent pause duration displayed
« on: November 09, 2011, 10:58:22 »
Thank you.
As indicated I would like to know if it is possible to have it displayed in the Agent screen/page (Not RT screen). the agent knows how long they have been on pause.

In our setup the agents do not have access to the realtime page.

Running QueueMetrics / Agent pause duration displayed
« on: October 04, 2011, 17:42:50 »

Does anyone know how to enable the agent to see how long he/she has been on pause? (in the Agent screen)
ie. allow an agent to see their pause duration.

Operating system: SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
QueueMetrics version:
Asterisk version:

Thank you for the reply.

I know I can run a custom report to ignore such calls but rather than using a custom report, I would like to set this for all reports that are run on a queue(not just custom reports)

Is it possible to have Queuemetrics NOT log/report calls as unanswered if they have been in a queue for a duration less than “X seconds” – a fixed variable which can be set and changed by QM admin.
Currently a call is logged/reported on regardless of the amount of time it spent in the queue.

There is an option called “Wait duration between _ and _ seconds” when running a custom report which can be used when running a custom report but I would like this available as a queue setting which will apply to a queues and all reports generated for the queu (not only when running a custom report).

Eg. I would not like to see a call where someone hung up after waiting in the queue for 2 seconds- this sort of messes with the stats.

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