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Messages - kayodea

Pages: [1] 2
Running QueueMetrics / Re: Editing Reports with QM 1.6.0
« on: March 15, 2010, 19:33:05 »
Thanks for that. It works. But it wasn't documented anywhere with the 1.6.0 manual. Please update the manual accordingly with the next release.


Running QueueMetrics / Editing Reports with QM 1.6.0
« on: March 13, 2010, 14:56:21 »
I have successfully upgraded from 1.5.5 to 1.6.0, but cant find the Edit Reports link from QM 1.6.0's Home page as described and explained with 1.6.0 manual.

Is there any key thats needs to be set on the User Classes page for any user that needs to edit reports?

Needs this feature badly and need to setup some reports ASAP.

Cheers to All.

Improving QueueMetrics / Re: SLA per period. Example, per day, per hour.
« on: September 25, 2008, 21:33:39 »
That will be so great. There will be alot of modules for QM then. I can't wait to see that happen. One can then contribute great ideas to move QM forward.

Please make this happen faster.

Scripting QueueMetrics / Re: Wallboard Example script
« on: September 09, 2008, 15:00:35 »

Any clue on getting this resolved. 


Scripting QueueMetrics / Re: Wallboard Example script
« on: August 14, 2008, 13:03:15 »
I tested this script today and all went well, except that nothing is happening or displayed as expected at the "Calls Waiting" and the "Agents Status" area. I could see a display of Agents logged on/Available or on a call below as expected.

Please can anyone point me to what am doing wrong or still need to do. Here is my script;

$defaultqueue = 'CustomerCare';

// Allow setting of the queue to monitor, and the refresh time.
isset($_REQUEST['refresh'])? $refresh = $_REQUEST['refresh'] : $refresh=10;
isset($_REQUEST['queue'])?$queureq = $_REQUEST['queue']:$queuereq=$defaultqueue;

$queueid = "4000";
$queuename = 'Customer Care';

// Set up the XML-RPC instance.
require_once 'XML/RPC.php';
$qm_server = ""; // the QueueMetrics server address
$qm_port   = "8080";        // the port QueueMetrics is running on
$qm_webapp = "queue"; // the webapp name for QueueMetricsi

$req_blocks_rt = new XML_RPC_Value(array(
                 new XML_RPC_Value("RealtimeDO.RTRiassunto"),
                 new XML_RPC_Value("RealtimeDO.RTCallsBeingProc"),
                 new  XML_RPC_Value("RealtimeDO.RTAgentsLoggedIn")
                 ), "array");
// general invocation parameters. Set the USER and PASSWORD to a QM user with ROBOT key
$params_rt = array(
           new XML_RPC_Value($queueid),
      new XML_RPC_Value("wallboard"),
           new XML_RPC_Value("abcd12345"),
           new XML_RPC_Value(""),
           new XML_RPC_Value(""),

as you can see, I am monitoring only one queue, so I don't need the switch statement. I hope am right?

Cheers to All.

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Backup
« on: August 04, 2008, 10:44:28 »
How about the recorded conversations. Whats the best method of backing it up and retrieving them when needed, most especially when you are running QM on one server and Asterisk on another server.

In my case, I have Asterisk and QM on different servers and use an NFS share to access recorded files on Asterisk from QM. I need to do a 3 months backup strategy of the solution and needs to be able to retrieve recording from archive at any time when needed.

How best can I do this knowing that, I can only specify one path for the recorded files in and can point to one queue_log (e.g Sql:P001 as I have it now) locations at a time.

Please note that, I want all backups (files, SQL logs and recordings) out of all servers for keeps and automatic retrieve (especially recorded files) when needed so as to ease the way the QA and management work.



Hi Guys,

I honestly don't know if this is the right place to post this, or I should start a new post with this, but I am having similar issue.

 I get "agent/CALLERID(num)" (i.e e.g agent/1000) shown as one of the logged on agent on the realtime screen after the call have been terminated. It seems that queuemetrics is logging on the agent after the call ended. I need to stop this, as the agents are already logged on, and only needs to do "pause" with a pause code so that calls can stop coming to them, and they can make calls and then unpause to start receiving calls again, when done with making calls.

How can I stop queuemetrics from logging them on as specified above after making calls?

I use Asterisk-1.4.18 and here is what I currently do in my queuedial context.

exten => _XXX.,1,Set(MY_QUE=${EXTEN:0:3})
exten => _XXX.,n,Set(MY_NUM=${EXTEN:3})
exten => _XXX.,n,Set(MY_AGENT=${CALLERID(num)})
exten => _XXX.,n,NoOp,Ag: ${MY_AGENT} N: ${MY_NUM} Q: ${MY_QUE}
exten => _XXX.,n,MixMonitor(Q-${MY_QUE}-${UNIQUEID}.wav|b|)
exten => _XXX.,n,Set(AGISIGHUP=no)
exten => _XXX.,n,Congestion()
exten => h,1,Hangup()

Cheers to all.

General Asterisk configuration / Re: Questions on My Setup ?
« on: March 29, 2008, 23:00:15 »
While I wait for that fix, I need some help here regarding CallerID. Like I said before I need to pass CallerID of both incoming calls and calls dialed by the dialer to the Agents on the queue. How can this be achieved.

I have seen the SmartCID but needs to know how to use it with queuemetrics. I don't think I can pass the callerID (even after lookup) to the agent since I am using Agentlogin() to get the agents logged on (I may be wrong?). In that can, I want to do a lookup against customers database, and if a match, rewrite the CallerID to the name found on the agents page or present as it is if not found, like I have now.

I need the agents to be able to I identify the caller by name so interactions can easy. For the dialed calls (either by dialer or outbound calls).

What is the easiest way to get this done (I need to pull out customers name, numbers from an existing database). Can there be a pop up to the agent screen?

Cheers to all.

General Asterisk configuration / Re: Questions on My Setup ?
« on: March 22, 2008, 22:57:18 »
How? How do I fix the button "Show members only/Show any agent" to "Show members only" only on the Real-Time page (A supervisor should not be able to toggle or click on this button. I want it fixed to "Show members only"). That seems to fix the issue.


General Asterisk configuration / Re: Questions on My Setup ?
« on: March 19, 2008, 22:49:49 »

I still cannot restrict a supervisor to the queue he/she is meant to supervise. What I mean is that on the Real-time page of the sepervisor, supervisor still sees all Agent and all queues that they don't supervise, even after giving a key to the queue and assigned it to the supervisor. How can I stop this.


General Asterisk configuration / Re: Questions on My Setup ?
« on: March 13, 2008, 13:05:28 »
I am talking about the Agents Page. The red bar takes so long before it ends for refresh. I want to redure the time it takes to do that.

I will look at the timing stuffs between the servers now.


General Asterisk configuration / Re: Questions on My Setup ?
« on: March 12, 2008, 21:59:43 »
I got the file at the site, and am still working on the best way to achieve the CID database stuff.

I am getting some delay on the agents page after the agents input the reason code with the pencil icon. It take long before the code gets displayed. How can I make this faster?

The refresh rate of the agent page is also slow and I noticed that, its only when this is  successfully completed that the call code (or reason code) get to appear on the page. How can also make this faster?

I am also getting negative values for talk duration on the REAL TIME page. Why and how can it be fixed? It doesn't do that before now.


General Asterisk configuration / Re: Questions on My Setup ?
« on: March 08, 2008, 21:30:05 »
Thanks for that. Its cool.

We have a database of customers with Names and Numbers. How can we pass the name of a customer to an Agent via its CallerID(num) which is already in a MySQL Database. Any code snippet will be appreciated.



General Asterisk configuration / Re: Questions on My Setup ?
« on: March 07, 2008, 23:35:01 »
OK. Thanks for that.

I have several Queues and need to make supervisors of each queues monitor only queues they supervised. How can this be achieved with out viewing other queues that they are not supervisors for.

I believe there should be a method of assigning the supervisor(s) to a particular queue.


General Asterisk configuration / Re: Questions on My Setup ?
« on: March 07, 2008, 08:44:51 »
I successfully have question 4 resolved by sharing the folders in Server A. Thanks.

Now, what is the procedure of changing the logo at the home page? I uploaded my logo to /opt and specify the path in layout.logo in configuration.propertes, but still the logo did not change. Again, MUST the logo be in a specific format and size. My logo is a .gif and its size is 160 x 106.


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