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Messages - binbin

Pages: [1]
Realtime Live / Unattended Call Monitoring Issue
« on: October 19, 2008, 02:43:52 »
I'm trying to enabling Unattended Call Monitoring.
The problem is the system does not generate the call when click on the phone icon, it just says the call will be generate in a few seconds.
The user's manual says:
Make sure that the callfile.dir property points to a valid callfile directory, and
that will be writable by QueueMetrics. As an alternative you may enter a
Monitor URI in the format tcp:user:pass@server; in this case QM will not
attempt to generate a call-file but will use the Manager command to create an
equivalent call instead.
I tried both
1st using callfile.dir=/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing this is the one that says the call will be genereate in few seconds (nothing happens)
2nd using callfile.dir=tcp:admin:PASSWORD@ gives an error, what's wrong here?
How do I get QUEUEMETRICS right permissions to write on /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing ?
How do I trace errors or logs from queuemetrics?
Thanks for your help

Realtime Live / Re: How to see logged off user in RT
« on: October 19, 2008, 02:33:40 »
Yes it is dynamic shifts
What would you suggest?

Realtime Live / Re: How to see logged off user in RT
« on: October 17, 2008, 20:47:02 »
Thanks for your response
My supervisors want to see how many people they have no matters if the are logged in or logged off
I was thinking on creating a new PAUSEREASON "Logged off" so they can see the agent in the RT but I don't if this can affect some feature.
Please advice

Realtime Live / How to see logged off user in RT
« on: October 16, 2008, 04:29:47 »
I would like to see logged off agents in RT monitoring, Is this possible?
Thanks for your comments.

Pages: [1]