I am using Queuemetrics version and I am having the same problem.
In my case I have two asterisk (asterisk1/partition1 and asterisk2/partition2) that send the information through qloader a different server than where it was installed queuemetrics.
When an agent from the screen do a login or logoff, if I select in srv: asterisk1, the change in the agent's screen at once.
But if I do the login or logoff in srv: asterisk2, change agent on the screen takes about 1 minute.
I have reviewed the insert login / logoff in the table queuemetrics queue_log of both srv. Asterisk1 In the insert is immediate, but in the asterisk2 takes about 1 minute.
In both "qloader.pl" parameters are the same, minus the "my $ partition ="
So, what can be the cause of the delay in updating the information of asterisk2 against asterisk1?
I copy of the content in qloader.pl:
my $log_every_num = 100;
my $log_queries = 0; # set to 1 to log all queries
my $timezone_offset = 0 * 3600; # in seconds
my $heartbeat_delay = 15 * 60; # in seconds
my $use_subqueue = 0; # 0 no; 1 yes
my $split_subq_name = 0; # 0 no; 1 yes - turn a subqueue name from 'xxx/yyy" to "xxx"
my $rewriteToAgent = 1; # 0 no; 1 yes
my @channelsToAgent = ( 'Local', 'SIP' );
my $dbAgentRewrite = 0; # 0 no; 1 yes - rewrite according to rules in table qlog_rewrite