Author Topic: Export and email reports  (Read 1877 times)


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Export and email reports
« on: December 18, 2015, 03:21:19 »
I am on queuemetrics verison 15.02.  I wanted to have a report sent to me daily showing the answered call detail and matching certain caller's caller id.    I created a new report, added the screen detail, and added the item detail with the data blocks set for OD01 Queue details.   I also set up Reports Export Configuration with the parameters for the report export.  I set the period, the queue, the report type, the orientation and the email recipient.    I also set the smtp server information in   this setup is working as far as emailing and downloading the report.

I am having two issues that I cannot find answers in the forums or in documentation.

I would like to filter the caller in the report export similar to  running a custom report. in the custom report I can enter in a regular  expression ^(\d[951])(\d[248][1257][3578])(\d{4}) into the "Caller" field and get the desired callers.   I tried entering Caller-ID=^(\d[951])(\d[248][1257][3578])(\d{4}) into the parameters portion of the Report's item details.  this doesn't work.  I don't know if this is the right approach.

I am also having some issues using wget or curl to trigger the email.   my report number is 2.   If I paste into chrome the following I will get a download file and the report will be emailed to me.


I have tried to use the following commands separately on the command line and use them separately in a sh script and the following do not trigger the download or email.   Neither worked.

wget -O /dev/null http://myserver:8080/queuemetrics/

curl  --user robot:robot -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "http://myserver:8080/queuemetrics/"

Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong?

Thank you
