We've recently switched to dynamic agents and we've noticed that sometimes QM thinks some Unavailable agents are still logged in. They show up under realtime as ready agents, and running reports counts them like they were logged in the entire time (which is really messing with the center's weekly reports).
I've done some detective work, and it looks like QM assumes an agent is logged on if there's any activity in the queue_log that concerns this agent, for example:
- Agent logs off (AGENTLOGOFF)
- Agent disappears from realtime (as it should)
- Agent is added/removed from a queue (ADDMEMBER/REMOVEMEMBER) while the agent is logged off. This is what I think is messing with QM.
- Realtime and reports now believe the agent is logged on.
Is there a workaround for this? I would really really really like not to have to go back to static agents just because of this.
On an unrelated note, I'd love to see 2 new features:
1. QM has an AddMember option, I would love to be able to do two things with it:
- Set a priority, ideally a drop down with customizable names (like 1. Immediate, 2. 1 minute) my users are not the brightest and having a number would confuse them to no end.
- Have access control to this, only supervisors/managers should be able to move people around.
That way I wouldn't need a separate webapp just to move people around queues
2. We use ldap authentication, but currently agents have 2 logins (Agent/XXXX and ldap). They use the agent one to monitor their inbound calls, but to run reports and do pretty much everything else they use the ldap one.
My suggestion is to have some agent - ldap mapping, so they can login use their ldap login to monitor their inbound calls. I know it can easily be done the other way around (get rid of the ldap one), but for business reasons we can't do this. Something like adding an "agent" field to the users table would be more just fine. I'm probably the only person on earth who would find this useful, but it seems like it would be trivial to implement.