I believe if you have versions:
5.0_u6 (1.5.0_06)
... and higher you will be ok and no update is necessary.
The tzUpdater tool can also just be used to only check and validate the current time zone information. Just use the --verbose and --test options when you run from the command line like this:
java -jar tzupdater.jar --verbose --test
The readme for the tzUpdater tool can be found here:
http://java.sun.com/javase/tzupdater_README.htmlAs a side note: make sure that you're not only changing the time on your linux machines by one hour. The entire time zone needs to be changed. For example, if you're living on the east coast USA, the time zone changed from -0500 to -0400. You can check this by running from a console prompt
date -R
This will display the time and date including the GMT/UTC offset.