« on: May 18, 2010, 16:34:11 »
Yes, we have the direction on each of the queues. The only location where we really can't define the direction is the All, which has inbound outbound.
I have the following queues:
Alias = Direction = Queue(s)
00 - All = Undefined = 9001*, 9101*, 9201*, 9601*, 9800*, q-*
01 - All Inbound = In = 9001, 9001.*, 9101, 9101.*, 9201, 9201.*, 9601, 9601.*
01 - All Outbound = Out = 9800, 980.*, q-*
Inbound -AAA = In = 9001.AAA*, 9101.AAA*, 9201.AAA*, 9601.AAA*
Inbound - BBB = In = 9001.BBB*, 9101.BBB*, 9201.BBB*, 9601.BBB*
Inbound - CCC = In = 9001.CCC*, 9101.CCC*, 9201.CCC*, 9601.CCC*
Outbound - 111 = Out = q-1110000, q-111*
Outbound - 222 = Out = q-1110000, q-222*
Outbound - 333 = Out = q-3330000, q-333*
Queue - 9001 = In = 9001
Queue - 9101 = In = 9101
Queue - 9201 = In = 9201
Queue - 9601 = In = 9601
Queue - 9800 = Out = 9800
The only place where Agents are assigned is the Queues that start the Alias with Queue.
When I pull up the Reports on the Queues, the direction is there. But, in any of the subqueue reports(Inbound - xxx, Outbound - xxx), the direction is missing. In the All Inbound report, the direction is there for some of the calls, but for others, it's undefined.
This also brings up another question regarding the use of the wildcards, etc. but I'll start oanohter topic on that...