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Messages - PHIAN01

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Can you post a link to the exact dial plan that should be used?

I am a little confused here, I think that I have the latest version of the dialplan.  Can you confirm or can you point me in the right direction of the most up to date version?
Code: [Select]

; this piece of dialplan is just a calling hook into the [qm-queuedial] context that actually does the
; outbound dialing - replace as needed - just fill in the same variables.
exten => _XXX.,1,Set(QDIALER_QUEUE=q-${EXTEN:0:3})
exten => _XXX.,n,Set(QDIALER_NUMBER=${EXTEN:3})
exten => _XXX.,n,Set(QDIALER_AGENT=Agent/${CALLERID(num)})
exten => _XXX.,n,Set(QueueName=${QDIALER_QUEUE})
exten => _XXX.,n,MixMonitor(Q-${QDIALER_QUEUE}-${UNIQUEID}.WAV|b|)
exten => _XXX.,n,Goto(qm-queuedial,s,1)
; extension 28: agent custom dial
exten => 28,1,Answer
exten => 28,2,NoOp( "QM: Agent Custom Dial. ...." )
exten => 28,3,Set(QDIALER_QUEUE=${OUTQUEUE})
exten => 28,4,Set(QDIALER_NUMBER=${EXTTODIAL})
exten => 28,5,Set(QDIALER_AGENT=Agent/${AGENTCODE})
exten => 28,7,Set(QueueName=${QDIALER_QUEUE})
exten => 28,8,MixMonitor(Q-${QDIALER_QUEUE}-${UNIQUEID}.WAV|b|)
exten => 28,9,Goto(qm-queuedial,s,1)
exten => 28,10,Hangup

; extension 14 makes remote monitoring possible for OUTBOUND CALLS
exten => 14,1,Answer
exten => 14,2,NoOp( "QM_AGENT_CODE: ${QM_AGENT_CODE}" )
exten => 14,3,NoOp( "QM_EXT_MONITOR: ${QM_EXT_MONITOR}" )
exten => 14,4,NoOp( "QM_AGENT_EXT: ${QM_AGENT_EXT}" )
exten => 14,5,NoOp( "QM_LOGIN: ${QM_LOGIN}" )
exten => 14,6,ChanSpy(Local/${QM_AGENT_CODE:6}@from-internal)
exten => 14,7,Hangup

; We use a global variable to pass values back from the answer-detect macro.
; STATUS = U unanswered
;        = A answered    (plus CAUSECOMPLETE=C when callee hung up)
; The 'g' dial parameter must be used in order to track callee disconnecting.
; Note that we'll be using the 'h' hook in any case to do the logging when channels go down.
; We set the CDR(accountcode) for live monitoring by QM.
exten => s,n,Set(CDR(accountcode)=QDIALAGI)
exten => s,n,Set(ST=${EPOCH})
exten => s,n,Set(GM=QDV-${QDIALER_AGENT})
exten => s,n,Set(GLOBAL(${GM})=U)
exten => s,n,Set(GLOBAL(${GM}ans)=0)
exten => s,n,Dial(${QDIALER_CHANNEL},30,gM(queuedial-answer^${UNIQUEID}^${GM}^${QDIALER_QUEUE}^${QDIALER_AGENT}^${ST}))
exten => s,n,Set(CAUSECOMPLETE=${IF($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "ANSWER"]?C)})

; Trapping call termination here
exten => h,1,NoOp( "Call exiting: status ${GLOBAL(${GM})} answered at: ${GLOBAL(${GM}ans)} DS: ${DIALSTATUS}"  )
exten => h,n,Goto(case-${GLOBAL(${GM})})
exten => h,n,Hangup()

; Call unanswered
exten => h,n(case-U),Set(WT=$[${EPOCH} - ${ST}])
exten => h,n,Macro(queuelog,${EPOCH},${UNIQUEID},${QDIALER_QUEUE},${QDIALER_AGENT},ABANDON,1,1,${WT})
exten => h,n,Hangup()

; call answered: agent/callee hung
exten => h,n,Set(WT=$[${GLOBAL(${GM}ans)} - ${ST}])
exten => h,n,Set(CT=$[${EPOCH} - ${GLOBAL(${GM}ans)}])
exten => h,n,Macro(queuelog,${EPOCH},${UNIQUEID},${QDIALER_QUEUE},${QDIALER_AGENT},${COMPLETE},${WT},${CT})
exten => h,n,Hangup()

; Expecting $ARG1: uniqueid of the caller channel
;           $ARG2: global variable to store the answer results
;           $ARG3: queue name
;           $ARG4: agent name
;           $ARG5: enterqueue
exten => s,1,NoOp("Macro: queuedial-answer UID:${ARG1} GR:${ARG2} Q:${ARG3} A:${ARG4} E:${ARG5}")
exten => s,n,Set(NOW=${EPOCH})
exten => s,n,Set(WD=$[${NOW} - ${ARG5}])
exten => s,n,Macro(queuelog,${NOW},${ARG1},${ARG3},${ARG4},CONNECT,${WD})
exten => s,n,Set(GLOBAL(${ARG2})=A)
exten => s,n,Set(GLOBAL(${ARG2}ans)=${NOW})
exten => s,n,NoOp("Macro queuedial-answer terminating" )

; The advantage of using this macro is that you can choose whether to use the Shell version
; (where you have complete control of what gets written) or the Application version (where you
; do not need a shellout, so it's way faster).
; Expecting  $ARG1: Timestamp
;            $ARG2: Call-id
;            $ARG3: Queue
;            $ARG4: Agent
;            $ARG5: Verb
;            $ARG6: Param1
;            $ARG7: Param2
;            $ARG8: Param3
;exten => s,1,System( echo "${ARG1}|${ARG2}|${ARG3|${ARG4}|${ARG5}|${ARG6}|${ARG7}|${ARG8}" >> /var/log/asterisk/queue_log )

Is there a way that I can update the queue_log (which is stored in mysql) to reflect the OUTBOUNDCALL instead of the ENTERQUEUE?  The system is only being used for outbound at the moment.


Attached is a link to the queue_log.  Any Ideas on how to resolve this would be appreciated.

Not Quite,

What we are looking for is the calls that did not complete (e.g. the agent hung up) on outbound calls.  Would have thought that this would follow suit and appear in the "unanswered" section as it does elsewhere.

Any Ideas?


I am having problems with obtaining data about "all calls".  The report does show the calls that have been answered but does not show any information about all calls such as ones that did not complete.

Any ideas?

here is the screenshot

The configuration appears to be correct as the information is showing on the queue.  Where would I look for the areas that you specified would be incorrect?

Hi All,

We are using Queuemetrics for outbounding from fixed handsets and all appears to be working well when reporting on a specific queue.  The problem that we have is when we are trying to report on a specific agent it is showing zero values although on the queue report you can see that the agent has made calls.

We are using 1.5.5 and we are using the dialplan method instead of the AGI. 

Any ideas would be appreciated.

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