Author Topic: QueueMetrics Cluster, Agent WEB Page Source file  (Read 1454 times)


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QueueMetrics Cluster, Agent WEB Page Source file
« on: June 26, 2017, 16:09:23 »
QueueMetrics Cluster, Agent WEB Page Source file

Here is the situation:

We/you have a single dedicated QueueMetrics server in QM Cluster Mode. It’s running nothing but Linux and QueueMetrics (QM) - 16.10.13
Then you have several other remote servers (sites) running Linux, 1.8 Asterisk, FreePBX and QM - 12.5.1 on each of them.

Here is the Question(s):

If you go into the QM Cluster server. Then login to the “Agent’s Web Page” and Log an agent into a Queue, where is QM running the AMI command from?
Is the AMI commands to accomplish the Logging on/out/Pause/Unpause coming directly from the QM Cluster?
Or is QM Cluster Server, telling the remote QM Server not running Cluster, to do the AMI commands with the /etc/asterisk/extensions_queuemetrics.conf file?
I’m trying to figure which file the QM Cluster is using to send the AMI Logging on/out/Pause/Unpause from.

Here is the problem:

We are having a problem when using QM Cluster Software logging on Agents as SIP/XXXX into a Queue in the remote server. Instead of logging on agent(s) using Local/XXXX this remote servers Queue. Changing this SIP to Local in the QM Cluster Web Agent page (where ever it’s doing the AMI from) should make the Logon/off/Pause/Unpause work. This would make it work when we have a SIP phone not being seen by the system, plugged into the network or registered/attached. Along with the, Follow Me and Dial modification. All of this for call out on the PSTN line(s) for remote queue agents, on a SIP configured extension to work properly.

Here is what we know, think and wish for:

QM recently released and said:
"install of QM using the latest 17.06.1. After this, check for DirectAMI options and change from SIP/${num} to Local/${num}@from-internal/n"

So QM being the great company that they are, is seeing the need and have a fixed for this, as far as we know. We have not installed 17.06.1 yet.

We feel, see and have found that from all indications thus far, that the QM Cluster Server is sending out these AMI commands directly to the remote QM server to Logon/off/pause/unpause agents.

So where is this QM Cluster file? Where does the AMI commands originate from? So one could see, learn and possibly change this file if one desired to?

Thank you QueueMetrics for a great product.

« Last Edit: June 28, 2017, 18:30:09 by corkuck »


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Re: QueueMetrics Cluster, Agent WEB Page Source file
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2017, 17:16:57 »
Hi, in general when an agent logs in the queues in cluster mode they also have to decide in which server to connect; the AMI commands will be sent directly form QM to that specific server. Not sure I have responded completely tour question though, in case let me know.



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Re: QueueMetrics Cluster, Agent WEB Page Source file
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2017, 18:34:29 »
Thank you again for answering.

We are upgrading to Ver. 17.06

Before this upgrading action. We were looking to see where one could see, learn and possibly change this QM Cluster AMI command file directly, if one desired to?

But don't know where it might be located at.
