Author Topic: QueueMetrics 13.04  (Read 9928 times)


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QueueMetrics 13.04
« on: March 25, 2013, 13:09:28 »
QueueMetrics version 13.04 is available for download today. This version includes an important number of changes and new features that make QueueMetrics significantly better.

* A walk-through of the most important changes can be found at
* You can try QueueMetrics now at

First of all, the long awaited report export is present. You can export complete reports to PDF or XLS files. This works for the report you are seeing in front of you and can be set up to work automatically, sending the report to a list of recipients over e-mail.

The QA section was improved by adding non-scoring questions and comments. This works especially well from the agent's page - this means your agents can now gather structured and free-text information on the current call right from their own screen, using specially crafted QA forms.

The agent's page itself was improved - now it leverages the caching features added in 12.10 in order to refresh automatically when a call comes in. This works beautifully for inbound and can easily be leveraged for outbound when running WombatDialer.

A new kind of report was added - IVR traversals. This lets you track in-deep IVR activity and understand what happens even before the call hits the queue. reached goals and attrition points can easily be displayed. A compatible module was added to FreePBX 2.11 to make integration easier.

Another feature that was often asked for is the detailed tracking of attempts on each call - in fact now all events happening on a call (like MOH, attempts or IVR events) are visible in detail. No more wondering why a call took so long to be answered!

Last but not least, QueueMetrics is nowadays often deployed as a cloud service. The new QlogSplitter that ships with Qloaderd lets you break the relationship between a single Asterisk server and a QueueMetrics instance - now you can have multiple clients sharing the same Asterisk instances having separate QueueMetrics instances, with a no-strings-attached pricing thanks to the Keyring.

The new release also includes a number of lesser changes and bugs fixed - in total almost 100 different issues were addressed.

Looking for outbound? look no further!

The WombatDialer is the perfect companion for your QueueMetrics system. WombatDialer is built to let you add outbound capabilities to your call-center, by leveraging a powerful and complete dialing platform. You can now create outbound campaigns of all kinds – telecasting, telemarketing, call-me-back services, automated queue redials, outbound IVRs – with the same level of efficiency and accuracy QueueMetrics is well known for.

WombatDialer lets you compose the solution you need by offering a powerful API model and hides away the complexity of implementing real-life outbound dialing scenarios.

As you are already running QueueMetrics, we offer you an opportunity to add WombatDialer to your system with a special offer – get 30% off your first purchase by getting an evalution key before May 1st, 2013. That's all you have to do. 

Interested? You can test WombatDialer by downloading a free evaluation version from - as with all Loway products, you first test-drive our solution and update to a full license only when you are completely satisfied with it.

Important changes

#1756 - New IVR tracking (Engine)
#1806 - Multi-tenant Qloader pre-loader (Qloader)
#1775 - New graphs based on Flot    (Reports)        
#1831 - Session keepalive embedded in all pages    (Reports)        
#1833 - Hebrew language support    (Reports)        
#1847 - Track and display call attempts    (Engine)        
#1852 - Track lists of events - IVRs and attempts    (Engine)        
#1853 - Tracking of IVR events    (Engine)        
#1854 - IVR: New IVR analysis page    (Reports)        
#1855 - IVR: New filtering criteria for Custom Report    (Reports)        
#1856 - IVR: Changes to the RT page    (Realtime page)        
#1857 - IVR: data blocks for (Reports)    (Reports)        
#1859 - List of events: display MOH    (Engine)        
#1869 - Possible XSS vulnerability fixed    (Reports)        
#1753 - Mail and export Reports to PDF and Excel    (Reports)        
#1842 - Active polling for the agent's page    (Agent's page)        
#1758 - Per question flag to turn off the display of status    (QA)        

For an additional overview of the above-mentioned major changes, please refer to the “What's new” section of our website.

Minor changes

#1848 - Use latest TPF version    (Reports)        
#1860 - FAQ: error in determining which channel hung up using FreePBX    (FAQ)        
#1623 - Returning multiple file names in QM.findAudio()    (Reports)        
#1737 - Skill based routing    (Configuration)        
#1752 - New agent's page    (Agent's page)        
#1755 - Login/logoff as FreePBX    (Configuration)        
#1759 - Questions not computed: DB Updater    (QA)        
#1772 - AstManProxy compatibility + Asterisk 11    (Agent's page)        
#1783 - RAW data blocks for RT    (Realtime page)        
#1788 - Reading IVR data from FreePBX module    (Engine)        
#1801 - Checking IVR logs by FreePBX    (Engine)        
#1802 - Check MOH logs  produced by ASTERISK-20742   (Engine)        
#1807 - Optionally turn off News    (Reports)        
#1809 - Log call closures    (Realtime page)        
#1830 - XML-RPC: bridged call-id    (Reports)        
#1840 - Improved SQL Union statements    (Reports)        
#1843 - New native UNION statements    (Engine)        
#1864 - Extending report filters to InfoRecord calls    (Reports)        
#1865 - Adding IVR blocks to default DB    (Setup)        
#1866 - IVR: implementation and data blocks    (Docs)        
#1841 - Display JDBC parameters for Asterisk RT autoconfig    (Configuration)        
#1870 - Pauses start/end time could overlap other pauses on the same session    (Payroll)        
#1683 - Notes associated with each question    (QA)        
#1685 - Oreka: OrekaEncrypted integration    (Reports)        
#1686 - Oreka: Displaying non-audio/video attachments to calls through Oreka    (Reports)        
#1746 - Clear the comment text area after a comment submission.    (QA)        
#1771 - Same item on multiple forms    (QA)        
#1684 - Payroll notes by date    (Payroll)        
#1687 - Payroll: Export on non-audio/video attachments from Oreka    (Payroll)        
#1760 - (QA): Questions not computed:  Form editor    (QA)        
#1761 - (QA): Questions not computed:  Form    (QA)        
#1762 - (QA): Questions not computed: Reports    (QA)        
#1763 - (QA): Questions not computed: Summary for forms    (QA)        
#1765 - (QA): Questions not computed: XML-RPC Export    (QA)        
#1766 - (QA): Questions not computed: Documentation    (Docs)        
#1845 - Columns on grader's page are not sortable    (QA)

Bugs fixed

#1777 - No key filtering on queues joinable from the RT page    (Realtime page)        
#1747 - Chrome AGAW client not installing    (AGAW)        
#1748 - Duplicate rows in RAM cache    (Engine)        
#1776 - On DB upgrade error, it goes on as if OK    (Setup)        
#1828 - Call details unable to open in IE    (Reports)        
#1829 - No scroll bar for QA form in IE    (Reports)        
#1832 - Visible blue border on Loway logo in IE    (Graphics)        
#1838 - Error with Asterisk RT - Asterisk 1.8    (Configuration)        
#1839 - Agent page does not display server selector for cluster    (Agent's page)        
#1861 - Wrong pause reasons    (Engine)        
#1849 - Missing number of stints    (Reports)        
#1862 - Issues with agent removal on the RT page    (Realtime page)        
#1770 - Cannot extend login time.    (Payroll)        
#1812 - Possible issue when closing call from the RT page    (Realtime page)        
#1844 - Graders page considers a rep graded even if he's not    (QA)        

« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 11:01:44 by QueueMetrics »


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Re: QueueMetrics 13.04
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 14:39:24 »
Is the freepbx module compatible with freepbx

thank you,



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Re: QueueMetrics 13.04
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2013, 09:32:16 »
It was developed for 2.11 so I guess it's not, though I think that Marco had it working on a 2.10 as well in the labs. I think you can try - worst case it wont install.