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Messages - dskinner

Pages: [1]
Improving QueueMetrics / Agent Functions on Realtime View page
« on: July 13, 2007, 22:30:41 »
Our agents don't use the live_agent page.  They work off the realtime_view page.  Having the "Log on/off" and "Pause/Unpause" buttons on that page (perhaps at the bottom?) would be very useful. 

Better yet, include them in the header as additional tabs aligned on the right.  That way, they can access those functions no matter which page they are on.  I would think there should be a way to display those buttons or not based on if the user is in the "AGENT" class or not.

Also, how about an option to hide the Export buttons on the realtime_view page?  I end up having to edit the code and comment out those lines every time I install a new version.  They are very distracting and take up valuable real estate.


General Asterisk configuration / Re: Monitoring non-local calls
« on: July 06, 2007, 17:11:09 »
After some more testing, I'm a bit stumped.  It seems like QM may be caching the current_terminal so it doesn't have to look it up each time. 

If I set a Zap channel in the agent's current terminal from within QM, it shows up in the agenti_noti table and when I monitor the call, it is in the QM_AGENT_EXT asterisk variable.  However, if I alter the table directly via the SQL cli client, or update it via the agi script, it does not see the change.

I just tested again.  I set the value in the table via the SQL cli and tested it.  Does not see the change.  Waited several minutes, tried again.  No change.  Several more mins, tried again.  No change.  I then went to the config agents page in QM and did not touch anything.  Went back to realtime and tried monitoring another call and it saw the change.

QM is definitely caching the agent table.  Any way to make it not do that?

I did find this in the config file:


Now I am curious :)


General Asterisk configuration / Re: Monitoring non-local calls
« on: July 03, 2007, 17:04:46 »

Thanks!  That does help.  I did some testing to confirm that the QM_AGENT_EXT comes from the current_terminal field of that table.  I think I should be able to use ChanIsAvail to select an open Zap channel and then pass that to the agi script along with the rest of the info and then do a mysql call to update the table, Dial, then change the table back.

I'll post my results.



General Asterisk configuration / Monitoring non-local calls
« on: July 02, 2007, 22:41:08 »
So I don't keep stealing the Barge thread, I started a new one.

I want to monitor calls that are not terminated on the local end.  At certain times of the day we are rerouting some of our calls to an outsourced call center.  The boss wants to track, record, and monitor these calls.  I copied your agi script for outbound calls and basically stripped out the pause/unpause so that it fakes a queue call using a fake agent (an Agent in QM, but not in Aterisk).

Recording and call reporting seems to work, but not monitoring.  I think the only way to make this work is to make QM aware of the Zap channel that the call is on and have it send that to ChanSpy.  I think I should be able to do a ChanIsAvail to find an open line and then pass that to the agi as part of the dial string *and* as an extra value for the channel to monitor.  The trick will be altering QM itself to take the extra monitor string and put that where it needs to be.  I'm not all that familiar with java.

Am I heading in the right direction with this?



General Asterisk configuration / Re: Barge function.
« on: June 21, 2007, 19:57:03 »
I see.  Roughly like this:

exten => 11,n,Set(QM_AGENT_CODE=${CUT(QM_AGENT_CODE,/,2)})
exten => 11,n,Set(QM_AGENT_CODE=Local/${QM_AGENT_CODE})

I'll have to test it later as something else needs my attention.  Thanks!


General Asterisk configuration / Re: Barge function.
« on: June 20, 2007, 22:11:19 »
I think this is the same issue I am looking at now.  I am trying to Monitor Live calls on an "outbound queue".  It works fine for inbound calls, but not outbound ones.  I assume this is because it is trying to monitor agent/123 and the "agent" is not making the call on an outbound call.

I will give the Local/123 a try tomorrow.  Where should I be looking to make that change?



The tavern / Where is it?
« on: April 18, 2007, 00:05:06 »
Come.....I know you wanna!

I see:

and this:

 Package                 Arch       Version          Repository        Size
 queuemetrics            noarch     1.3.4-16         LowayResearch     3.6 M

but no announcement yet. 

Actually I saw the update in yum first and jumped over to the site looking for the announcement and changelog.  Is it supposed to be in the yum repository already?

- Dennis

And it never fails.  Ask the question and find the answer 2 mins later:

I stopped tomcat, ran the updater, started tomcat and QM is showing the correct time now.

The rest of my Asterisk/QM machine is seeing the DST change, but QM is still an hour behind.  Is this a change that needs to happen in QM or perhaps it is Tomcat that needs to be updated?


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