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Messages - sbingram

Pages: [1]
I see references to the API in the Queuemetrics documentation, but it doesn't seem to include placing an outbound call. Is there a way to do this besides posting to the form of the pop-up dialer such that agents don't always have to type the telephone number?

When making an outbound call via the agent panel, all outbound queues are listed regardless whether the agent is assigned to those queues or not. Is there a way to limit the list to only those outbound queues that the agent is assigned to?

We are setting up QueueMetrics for the first time with PIAF. The QueueMetrics install itself seemed to go perfect, but Fonloader2 is another story altogether. No matter how I configure the new user fonloader2 in MySQL (, localhost or the IP address of the server itself), Fonloader2 reports and errror:

Now connecting to DB queuemetrics on as user fonloader2 with password javadude

Error: Access denied for user 'fonloader2'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I've tried the exact same parameters in the /etc/sysconfig/fonloader2 file on the command line and it works perfectly. The logs are sloppy too as there are lots of carriage returns and the ordering of the output is even messed up. This makes it even more difficult to debug the problem.

Thinking that the Redhat init script is also bad (one of the options is repeated in the start command line), I tried running the program with the necessary command line options and it at least ran and appeared to start importing data into the queue_log table, however, the errors in the log continued.

Do I maybe need an evaluation license to use this? I'm not really sure where to go next.

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