Update: Multiple bugs on the provided wallboard, unhappy clients, no resolution will realistically be available:
Tell your clients NO, these ad-hoc wallboards are NOT officially supported. Just don't do it, unless you are in prison and really need something to take time.
DO: use the built in supported wallboards
Thanks, that works great.
A customer requested a custom display, but I am in a bind as the documentation appears non-existant at this time.
There is a huge post a bit further down this page, although the source code link is down and no one bothered to paste the program in it's entirety into the post, which of course invalidates the entire thing.
http://forum.queuemetrics.com/index.php?topic=156.0(I even attempted to mine the google cache for that downed reference site)
I got a standard "wallboard" going just fine with the robot user.
Where is there a working example anywhere for PHP ??
I followed the instructions in the .pdf but all I get is an error message.
Fault Code: 5 Fault Reason: Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.1 404 /queuemetrics-
Is this a user authentiction error or an input error, what?
<h1>A QueueMetrics XML-RPC client in PHP</h1>
require_once 'XML/RPC.php';
$qm_server = "ip_address"; // the QueueMetrics server address
$qm_port = "8080"; // the port QueueMetrics is running on
$qm_webapp = "queuemetrics-"; // the webapp name for QueueMetrics
// set which response blocks we are looking for
$req_blocks = new XML_RPC_Value(array(
new XML_RPC_Value("DetailsDO.CallsOK"),
new XML_RPC_Value("DetailsDO.CallsKO")
), "array");
// general invocation parameters - see the documentation
$params = array(
new XML_RPC_Value("queue-dps"),
new XML_RPC_Value("robot"),
new XML_RPC_Value("robot"),
new XML_RPC_Value("lol"),
new XML_RPC_Value("lol"),
new XML_RPC_Value("2011-07-25.12:23:12"),
new XML_RPC_Value("2011-07-25.08:23:10"),
new XML_RPC_Value(""),
$msg = new XML_RPC_Message('QM.stats', $params);
$cli = new XML_RPC_Client("/$qm_webapp/xmlrpc.do", $qm_server, $qm_port);
$resp = $cli->send($msg);
if (!$resp) {
echo 'Communication error: ' . $cli->errstr;
if ($resp->faultCode()) {
echo 'Fault Code: ' . $resp->faultCode() . "\n";
echo 'Fault Reason: ' . $resp->faultString() . "\n";
} else {
$val = $resp->value();
$blocks = XML_RPC_decode($val);
// now we print out the details....
printBlock( "result", $blocks );
printBlock( "DetailsDO.CallsOK", $blocks );
printBlock( "DetailsDO.CallsKO", $blocks );
// output a response block as HTML
function printBlock( $blockname, $blocks ) {
echo "<h2>Response block: $blockname </h2>";
echo "<table border=1>";
$block = $blocks[$blockname];
for ( $r = 0; $r < sizeof( $block ); $r++ ) {
echo "<tr>";
for ( $c = 0; $c < sizeof( $block[$r] ); $c++ ) {
echo( "<td>" . $block[$r][$c] . "</td>" );
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";