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Messages - kravasi

Pages: [1]

can you send us a couple of screenshots of the issue at ?

Also please specify if you are using dynamic or static agents, and how you are logging in those agents if they are dynamic.

Let us know  :)

QueueMetrics installation / Re: Auto Login agents
« on: August 31, 2020, 09:12:48 »
Hi, unfortunately this will not be implemented in QueueMetrics.
This is mainly due to the fact that in order to enable that, the dev team would like to implement auto-logout as well when agents close the agent page.
However this is much harder to do because of all the different ways that a page could be closed either by mistake: crash, computer turning off, or on purpose by closing the browser, opening a link etc.

For this reason the suggestion has been removed from our roadmap.

Running QueueMetrics / Re: misunderstanding of report timing
« on: September 05, 2019, 08:49:44 »

from the Custom Report page you can select a specific timeframe to use when starting a report.

The quick report selections in the homepage are intended only as a shortcut, but you can customize all the filters from the custom reports pages.

Let me know if this fixes your issue.


We recently had some problems with browser support for WebRTC. We will be releasing a new version that solves these issues, maybe you would like to try this beta version:

If you still have problems here is a link for a handy troubleshooting checklist on the Asterisk side:

We are also working on a tutorial that might come in handy when setting up queuemetrics for WebRTC use, it has not been published yet but if you PM me your email address i can send it to you.   
feel free to let us know if you need further assistance.

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