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Messages - horsarias

Pages: [1]
Realtime Live / Re: Realtime Monitoring
« on: April 10, 2008, 22:44:56 »

I guess if you have notice about problems with realtime view when the agent number and/or the extension has alphanumeric digits.

Right now the realtime view shows the pause and unpause events of the agents but not the login and logoff events.

Checking the queue_log the events are arriving good. This is a row Example:


'', 1207855393, 'NONE', 'NONE', 'gobd840311', 'AGENTCALLBACKLOGOFF', '', '5140', 'CommandLogoff
', '', 18593523

It is Curious that the Agents are always as "ready" whith green light. It only change whith pauses. 

I have erased and recreated them but nothing. Members of the queue that do nat have letters in the agent number work fine.

What can it Be ?


Realtime Live / Re: Realtime Monitoring
« on: March 20, 2008, 00:09:12 »

Actually i am using
queuemetrics 1.4.3 on mysql 4.1 whith Java Runtime1.5.0_10.

I see that the option "realtime.members_only=0" works very good to hide foreign members by default; but it is allways possible to see those agents just pressing "Show any agent".

I think that one solution to this matter can be adjust  the "realtime.members_only" option  to 0 and disable the "Show any agent" button.

Can the queuemetrics jsp code be modified by Me in order to reach this solution and still stay under the queuemetrics licence terms ?

Thanks again.


Realtime Live / Re: Realtime Monitoring
« on: March 13, 2008, 15:25:45 »
Thanks, for the answer; I chequed the configuration file and found that the parameter was already set.

"#Are not  the only agents to be shown on the realtime page those who are "known" for the queue? 0 false, 1 true

Still, if a user that has a key only for a queue, the first time he gets into realtime monitoring, will see agents that are not members of the queue selected. He has to press the show only members butto to filter.

Is it possible to see allways only the members, even if "see all members" butto is pressed ? or disable this button ?

We just do not want to let a supervisor check the state of agents that hi has not permission to see.


The tavern / Re: Welcome everyone
« on: March 10, 2008, 18:16:17 »

I am new here; i wonder if some one knows if the queue metrics can be configured to show Only the agents asocieted to a queue that a user has defiden in his valid keys.

In other words, to work in the "show only members" mode by default and the "show all members" option is disabled.

Thank you.

Realtime Live / Re: Realtime Monitoring
« on: March 10, 2008, 18:15:02 »

I am new here; i wonder if some one knows if the queue metrics can be configured to show Only the agents asocieted to a queue that a user has defiden in his valid keys.

In other words, to work in the "show only members" mode by default and the "show all members" option is disabled.

Thank you.

Pages: [1]