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Messages - nethexa

Pages: [1]
Realtime Live / Re: Realtime - Magic Wand
« on: May 21, 2013, 16:25:08 »
Hi, Thanks for you help.

I do verify the refresh of realtime page and when I do reload manually, the pop-up no work fine, but, if the refresh is automatic (no button reload press) the pop-up work fine.

Realtime Live / Re: Realtime - Magic Wand
« on: May 17, 2013, 18:39:17 »

I use Firefox and Google Chrome in Linux  & Windows but it's equal.

I do not understand this:
...try making the refresh slower...

You mean to:
F5 in the page?
Move the mouse over magic wand icon?

Sorry for my english, It's not me native language.

Thanks for your colaboration.

Realtime Live / Realtime - Magic Wand
« on: May 15, 2013, 22:05:47 »
Currently in realtime on the magic wand dropdown menu (popup) when I try to select this disappears quickly without letting you click one of the options.

It's possible configurate a parameter for this?


Pages: [1]