« on: January 25, 2010, 14:41:50 »
yeap It try to calling the trunk, because QM is not able to login correctly.
I have added new agent using qm and then login using agent webpage:
-- Executing [20@queuemetrics:1] Answer("Local/20@queuemetrics-fd56,2", "") in new stack
-- Executing [20@queuemetrics:2] NoOp("Local/20@queuemetrics-fd56,2", " "QM: Logging on Agent/7889 to extension 888@from-internal made by Agent/7889" ") in new stack
-- Executing [10@queuemetrics:1] Answer("Local/20@queuemetrics-fd56,1", "") in new stack
-- Executing [10@queuemetrics:2] Wait("Local/20@queuemetrics-fd56,1", "10") in new stack
-- Executing [20@queuemetrics:3] AgentCallbackLogin("Local/20@queuemetrics-fd56,2", "7889||888@from-internal") in new stack
-- <Local/20@queuemetrics-fd56,2> Playing 'agent-incorrect' (language 'en')
== Manager 'queuemetricsmgr' logged off from
so ...the agent is not able to login.
When I manually modify agents.conf file and add prevoiusly configured agent (via qm - eg aGENT/206) to the agent.conf file i have a little different message:
Executing [20@queuemetrics:3] AgentCallbackLogin("Local/20@queuemetrics-5fb4,2", "206||888@from-internal") in new stack
-- <Local/20@queuemetrics-5fb4,2> Playing 'invalid' (language 'en')
..but finally effect is the same