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Messages - dlm

Pages: [1]
MySQL storage and Qloaderd/Uniloader / Re: queue_log table fields
« on: April 25, 2007, 09:23:00 »
Thanks again, my routine works like a charm now...  :D


MySQL storage and Qloaderd/Uniloader / Re: queue_log table fields
« on: April 16, 2007, 18:44:23 »
 :-[  :-[  :-[

I've been f****g up, er... messing up with the right spelling of the queue name...
Ah, springtime is here again... my brain's not plugged in!



MySQL storage and Qloaderd/Uniloader / Re: queue_log table fields
« on: April 16, 2007, 11:45:26 »
Hello again,

I'm trying to use the PHP script (btw, thank you very much!) and it seems to work... I mean, when I call the page, I get Status OK from the script but no data comes out after the table column names. Running a custom report from the web interface with the same period (start and end date/hour), I get plenty of information about the Answered and Unanswered Calls.

Here is an example of the HTML output:

QueueMetrics XML-RPC client in PHP

Response block: result
Status   OK
Time elapsed (ms)   78
QM Version   1.3.2

Response block: DetailsDO.CallsOK
Date   Caller   Queue   Wait   Duration   Disconnection   Handled by   Attempts   

Response block: DetailsDO.CallsKO
Date   Caller   Queue   Disconnection   Position   Wait   Attempts

This means that the XML-RPC is working fine, but why doesn't it retrieve the data I need?
I'm sure the solution is "under my nose", but I just can't find it.

Any ideas?


MySQL storage and Qloaderd/Uniloader / Re: queue_log table fields
« on: March 22, 2007, 10:38:11 »
Yes, I noticed that the queue_log table was not so useful for what I need to do. And yes, that's why QM is there for...  ;)

As for the XML-RPC, what tables codes I need to use to get the following from the interface?

1. Detail of answered calls
2. Detail of unanswered calls

Have you got a quick sample accessing the interface with PHP (I can't use Java or Python  :-[)...?

Thanks. Kind regards.


MySQL storage and Qloaderd/Uniloader / queue_log table fields
« on: March 21, 2007, 21:29:48 »
I'm using qloaderd script to copy queue_log records to MySQL. I followed the instructions and everything works fine. One of our customer requested a specific format of the queue stats in order to import this data into another statistic software.

1. I need to re-elaborate the basic log information but could not find enough about the standard fields of the queue_log table in queuemetrics MySQL db. Any suggestions about the field meaning (especially data1..data4 and verb), so I can build my own queries?  ???

2. Secondly, is there any way to extract the Answered Calls (and Unanswered Calls) detail page in a CSV/XML format automatically or from a script/software? I was able to write a program which takes CSV exported data form QM and builds up data into a specific custom format, so I wonder if I can import data automatically instead of manually feed my script.

Thank you for your support.


Running QueueMetrics / changing stats information
« on: March 12, 2007, 18:00:16 »
Hi there and congratulations for this great piece of software!

I've been using QM for about a week and I am very satisfied of its features.
In order to use it in a production environment I need the following changes to the statistics showed by the application:

- in Answered/unanswered Calls the first step to the Service Level Agreement should be 12 seconds instead of 10. That is a precise request coming from one of our customers. I wonder if there is a configuration file where one could change the default time intervals. I also thought about importing the queue_log file to MySQL and then execute my own queries, but I would like to use QM's nice web stats pages.

- in Distrib. / Answered call distribution per hour page, I would like to see the stats "per half an hour" instead of "per hour". For example, the rows should contain 8:00 then 8:30, 9:00, 9:30 and so on. Same idea for the stats contained in the same page.

Thank you very much for your time and attention.

David La Monaca
Roma - Lugano (CH)

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