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Messages - Bryon.Catlett

Pages: [1]
Running QueueMetrics / Re: Signal Problem
« on: June 23, 2009, 16:33:47 »
We wanted the Button to signal the Supervisor in realtime so that the rep doesn't need to try to wave their arms around or put the customer on hold.   We were hoping to make it just a simple message stating that (preferably station #) or agent name or number needs supervisor assistance.  The supervisor can then decide if it is a tech issue or if the issue is something better taken care of by a trainer(product knowledge etc.), or a supervisor(irate customer etc.)  The IM is just the only idea I could come up with.   We are just looking to make it largely automatic.  Press the signal problem button,  message is sent in realtime so supervisor can swoop in and make the judgement call.

Running QueueMetrics / Signal Problem
« on: June 23, 2009, 08:03:08 »
We are running QM 1.5 and are trying to take the signal Problem button very literally and have it signal the supervisor when the agent needs assistance.   Our first idea is to have the system IM through AIM with a URL so far we hit the issue that the rep must send the message manually by hitting enter or send.  Is there a way to have it submit automatically or perhaps another idea of how to submit a request of assistance to the supervisor including Station # if possible but Agent Name or # if not.  So far we have tried                     

aim:goim?screenname=csdept cmi &message=Need+Assistance+%3D%3D+Station+%5BA%5D%0A

for our URL on the button it sends an enter command but only within the text box.   Any suggestions would be greatly appretiated

Running QueueMetrics / Re: VNC with dynamic Agents
« on: June 22, 2009, 18:53:59 »
Thank you so much.  So simple when I hear it that way!!!

Running QueueMetrics / VNC with dynamic Agents
« on: June 21, 2009, 23:20:35 »
Hi I am running QM 1.5.1.  I am wondering how you would be able to use the VNC feature for our training and QA staff with dynamic agents.  I am not sure what other info you may need.

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