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Messages - stilobix

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Running QueueMetrics / Re: How to graph call length
« on: May 09, 2011, 10:52:20 »
I mean a graph sowing how many calls are in between 0 to 5 sec, how many calls are in between 5 to 10 sec length and so on.

This could allow me to find out more info on my agents call length than the shortest, longest or average time.

I think it could be useful to get this kind of graph

Running QueueMetrics / How to graph call length
« on: May 05, 2011, 01:03:30 »
Hi everyone,

Does anyone knows how can I do to get a graph showing me the calls length? Exactly like the Service level agreement graph but showing how many calls were 0-5 sec length, 5 - 10 sec and so on.

Thank you for your help

OK if you got it, this is great then!

You mean that if you add the key to the class it does not work? it is weird.,

Yes exactly, let me clarify the situation.

Let say I have:

2 users: Bruce and David
2 classes: class1 and class2.

I create first class1 and assign the SUPERVISOR key to it. Then I add Bruce and David in this class. Because they are in this class with the SUPERVISOR key I will be able to select them as a supervisor for my agents.

I have this now:
          class1 SUPERVISOR: Bruce and David

However, if I create class2 now, then I assign the SUPERVISOR key to it.

Now I have this:
          class1 SUPERVISOR: Bruce and David
          class2 SUPERVISOR: No user yet

If I try to assign a SUPERVISOR on my agent because there is no one in the class2 (the last class that was created) the dropdown list will be empty.
But if now I move David from class1 to class2

I have this:
          class1 SUPERVISOR: Bruce
          class2 SUPERVISOR: David

I will only be able to choose David, even if Bruce is in a class with the SUPERVISOR key.

I hope this will help you to understand the situation! but you are right this is really weird and I have no idea on how to solve this problem. It is not a big deal for me because I can assign the right key on my users, I don't have so many SUPERVISOR but this could be a pain in some situation

As I said in my first post, all my classes have the key SUPERVISOR. The only way I found to make it work is to add the SUPERVISOR key to my users, then I can select them no matter when they were created otherwise I can only select users from the last created class with the SUPERVISOR key.

Hi everyone,

I'm experiencing an issue with queuemetrics.

Let me explain the background first. I have 4 queues with different agents in them. I configured User accounts in different classes (in order to allow them to see only to queue that they will have to run reports on). All my classes have the key SUPERVISOR.

My problem now is when I want to set a supervisor on my agent I will only be able to select users from the class which was created the last.

For instance I have 2 classes, accounting and helpdesk. I create accounting first and then helpdesk. I will only be able to select users as a supervisor from the helpdesk class. Let say now I'm going to create the class ITdep, then I will only be able to select users from ITdep class and so on.

I can set the SUPERVISOR key on each of my users but I would like to set this key on my classes not on the users.

I can I do to be able to select them from any class which has the supervisor key on it?

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