Author Topic: ongoing call in report  (Read 1958 times)


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ongoing call in report
« on: July 02, 2015, 17:31:18 »

I have in a report of June  a call (in england) with "ongoing" on the "Disconnected" column.
I try to find this call in mysql database (france) :
my query :
SELECT  `time_id` , FROM_UNIXTIME( time_id ) AS datetim,  `partition` ,  `call_id` ,  `queue` ,  `agent` ,  `verb` ,  `data1` ,  `data2` ,  `data3` ,  `data4` ,  `serverid` ,  `unique_row_count` ,  `data5`
FROM  `queue_log`
WHERE time_id > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(  '2015-06-30 10:00:00' )
AND time_id < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(  '2015-07-01 10:00:00' )
AND  `agent` LIKE  'agent/5XXXXXXXX'

how can i be sure  that  i'm on the good call (timestamp conversion = date on realtime page of QM )?

where can i find laps time of this call (more than 1 hour) ?

if it is a evil hang up call, how it appears in mysql ?

where can i find documentation of table of quemetrics especially the column verb of queue_log table ?
what mean keys :

A great thanks if someone can answer one of this questions !


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Re: ongoing call in report
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2015, 17:39:32 »
Hello cmoi,

they are all events created by Asterisk in the file /var/log/asterisk/queue_log,  QueueMetrics makes a big work parsing this file giving a meaning and extrapulating information from those events.

In order to select a specific call you should select it using the call_id  (if in the call list, in the reports you click on the details icon, you'll find the "Asterisk call ID").

If you want to explore the details of call more easily you can simply grep the queue_log file by the call id



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Re: ongoing call in report
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2015, 19:17:43 »
Thank's a lot Mirko !

It's help me a lot , i'll try tomorow and give you feedback

Thank's again,


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Re: ongoing call in report
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2015, 12:31:37 »

my feedback so :

with the call_id
in the database of QM I found my call (several lines and we can see the entire routes of a call, i understand now what's mean the column verb ;-))
but when i try a grep nothing in the output
 tail /var/log/asterisk/queue_log | grep the-call-id --> nothing ?

Have you  idea ?

Thanks a lot again,