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Messages - Rodrigo

Pages: [1]
QueueMetrics installation / Re: Time and GMT in QM
« on: April 22, 2008, 17:57:42 »
It was solved by the old trick of starting all over again. I purged the java installation and reinstalled from scratch. It did the trick and now works correctly.

Thank you for your guidance


QueueMetrics installation / Re: Time and GMT in QM
« on: April 21, 2008, 12:05:24 »
In Realtime monitoring:

Realtime call center monitoring - 11:04:57

which is one hour behind our real timezone

QueueMetrics installation / Re: Time and GMT in QM
« on: April 18, 2008, 16:41:13 »
I see the following:

System time:     
Java Time: 2008-04-18 15:39:29 [1208529569]
Java Time Zone: GMT+01:00

I am located at Spain, so the GMT is right for my location.

QueueMetrics installation / Time and GMT in QM
« on: April 17, 2008, 13:24:24 »

I am having one problem with QM1.4.3, regarding time zone.

After having installed all the asterisk infrastructure and having finished configuration, the hour that QM shows is 60 minutes in the future.

I have been looking the options, but the only option which seemed related (TimeOffset) only made the calls appear to last -3600 seconds aprox.

The Debian is correctly configured and it shows the right time when prompted.


Running QueueMetrics / Re: Service Level Agreement stats trouble
« on: February 22, 2008, 08:52:36 »
I think it is a matter of how I was interpreting the number... I thought that "Within 30 seconds"  was refering to calls between 20 and 30 second,  and NOT all the calls previously reported.  Now, that numbers makes sense.....  Thks for your reply

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Service Level Agreement stats trouble
« on: February 15, 2008, 08:44:00 »
Here is the screenshot. I have deleted all user specific data for keeping privacy.

As you can see there have been 66 calls, the calls taken by agent are correctly reported. The issue is in SLA, where the "Within 10 seconds" reports 53 calls, and goes up to 80.3%, but 20 seconds and over show 100% and 0 calls. Also the delta is +13 in 20 seconds. Sincerely I do not think those numbers are correct at all.

Thank you

Running QueueMetrics / Service Level Agreement stats trouble
« on: February 14, 2008, 09:58:29 »

I am running Queuemetrics 1.4.3 over asterisk 1.4.17 on debian etch. The installation was fine except some debian-related issues in the setup of tomcat.
The setup was imported from queues.conf and agents.conf.

The question I'm having is, logged as administrator, and in the Quick Activity Reports, the section of Service Level Agreement, does show 100% in all lines and a fixed number that repeats in every line.

What does it mean, or what is misconfigured?

Thanks in advance

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