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Scripting QueueMetrics / Re: java equivalent of python example
« on: March 03, 2009, 18:40:51 »
figured out what was going wrong, the redstone xmlrpc package returns "xmlrpcarray"s and not native java arrays!  Easy once you know that.

Scripting QueueMetrics / java equivalent of python example
« on: March 03, 2009, 16:12:50 »
does anyone have a java equivalent of this python example from section 4 of the xmlrpc manaul?

for t in res.keys():
        print "===== Block " + t + ": ========"
        for r in range( len(res[t]) ):
                for c in range( len( res[t][r] )):
                        print res[t][r][c] ,
                        print "\t" ,

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