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Messages - mudcow007

Pages: [1] 2 3
QueueMetrics installation / HTTP Status 404 - /queuemetrics/
« on: May 27, 2014, 15:58:36 »
i have just installed Queuemetrics 14.03.3 which was working great (i hadn't restarted the server)

i performed a apt-get update & apt-get update & rebooted the server to apply the changes i can no longer access the application via tomcat!

although from the 12.04 server if i try


i reach the Apache Tomcat "It Works" page

does anyone have any pointers or could shed any light where i need to look?



Running QueueMetrics / HTTP Status 404 - /queuemetrics/
« on: May 23, 2014, 16:37:39 »
just restarted our Asterisk server (with working Queuemetrics installed) when the machine booted back up

i cant access queuemetrics!?

i have just opened a browser an tried to go to to make sure tomcat was on - this failed

so i ran /usr/src/apache-tomcat-7.0.53/bin/

which ended with "Tomcat started" so im guessing tomcat doesnt start on boot

but im still unable to reach queuemetrics - although i can now access the default start page of tomcat

any ideas!?

Morning all

we have been running Asterisk (with Queuemetrics 1.4.4) for a number of years, but have finally taken the plunge an started to replace the older kit

i have set up a new Asterisk server (11.9) an have installed Queuemetrics 14.03.3

Quite a bit has changed in both Asterisk an Queuemetrics.

i have a bare bones system with Asterisk, im just in the process of copying across dialplans from the old server to the new, will i be able to use all of the coding in my extensions.conf for the new version of Queuemetrics?

I have copied my extensions.conf & sip.conf etc over to the new server from the old

when i try to log an agent into new queuemetrics i receive

"QueueMetrics cannot send the command to the PBX."


morning all

we have been running queuemetrics for a number of years on our Asterisk server (

im currently looking at updating our current queuemetrics (1.4.4)

can i run 2 different versions of queuemetrics on the one server (for testing purposes)

how involved will the update be? im worried as our asterisk server is in a working environment


Running QueueMetrics / wallboard values all at 0 in 1.4.4
« on: March 17, 2010, 10:13:15 »
Hello all, the supervisor in our call center has just mentioned to me that the past few morning when the wallboard machine has started up and when the "wallboard" was selected it showed all values as 0 so no agents, queues had no calls etc etc

i pressed refresh on the browser (IE7), which it returned Queuemetrics had crashed, when i reloaded queuemetrics everythign was back the way it should be.

although calls were still coming through the queue to the agents.....

any ideas why this would happen?


General Asterisk configuration / Re: Pause reasons "-"
« on: December 23, 2009, 11:26:04 »
hi here are the "re-upped" images

i will send over the Queue_log now

Running QueueMetrics / Re: Possible Bug?
« on: December 02, 2009, 15:17:21 »
ahh great stuff thanks

Running QueueMetrics / Possible Bug?
« on: December 01, 2009, 17:41:48 »
just installed 1.5.5 on Asterisk 1.6 whilst on the homepage of queuemetrics if you click on any link, if you then click the back button, it reloads the current page. the only way to get back is to change the address in the address bar

using Firefox 3.5.5

QueueMetrics installation / Asterisk 1.6 with Queuemetrics 1.5.5
« on: November 18, 2009, 12:50:33 »
hello all we currently run Asterisk with queuemetrics version 1.4.4

im currently building a spankingly new Asterisk box ( and planning on using Queuemetrics 1.5.5

are there any issues with using Asterisk 1.6? i cant seem to find a user guide for 1.5.5 either.


Running QueueMetrics / Start of day time
« on: November 02, 2009, 15:47:53 »
hello all

we are currently running version 1.4.4 (i havent had time to update yet) and we are call center staff are workign really hard to get the missed call percentages as low as possible. a problem we are seeing is that calls that hit our * box before our official hours of business is effecting the percentages

now i have found default.start_hour=8

is this what tells queuemetrics what to start logging the time from?

so changing these values will start the ratios?


General Asterisk configuration / Pause reasons "-"
« on: June 29, 2009, 13:15:25 »
Hello all

We are currently running and older version of Queuemetrics 1.4.4 (i haven’t had a chance to upgrade yet) and we have a strange pause reason available to agents. in the pause reason drop down list it just shows a hyphen "-"

also when we go into filter on specific agents certain agents seem to be able to pause on a blank pause reason? although there arnt any blank pauses configured.

is there anyway of removing these strange pauses??


Running QueueMetrics / Logging
« on: February 13, 2009, 13:04:22 »
hello all

we are currently running Queuemetrics 1.4.4 (i know we need to upgrade too!)

we are seeing a few agents miss there calls, and the call center admin has asked me is there a way of finding logs of missed calls in asterisk?

i have looked in the var/log/asterisk there is a csv file called Master which is huge but its doesnt show disconnect or anythign that i can see

any one shed any light on this?


Running QueueMetrics / Re: Call routing on Queues
« on: December 22, 2008, 10:54:52 »
Thanks for the reply!

we aren’t losing calls, its just we have the calls going through a database which picks up the callerid and routes the call to the corresponding queue, so a call with the ID of 0151 will be routed to the 0151 queue. This is where we have the agents and priorities set. Ideally we want certain agents to answer certain calls, but if these agents are busy then the call will go to other available agents (in the same queue)

it happend on Friday when a call came in, no agents were in wrapup or busy an the call went to an agent with the priority of 2 whilst there were agents available with the priority of 1

also, there seems to be no effect in queuemetrics when you set (in queue configuration) that the agent is Main, Wrap and Spill

ahh sorry yes that was a typo on here, its ok in * 


Running QueueMetrics / Call routing on Queues
« on: December 19, 2008, 14:23:18 »
hello all

we are currently using Queuemetrics (ver 1.4.4) in conjunction with Asterisk (ver

we have 6 different queues set up in Asterisk, the agents that are attached to each queue have a priority so:


Agent 1200,1
Agent 1201,1

Agent 1300,2
Agent 1301,2


musiconhold = default
announce = random-queue
strategy = rrememory
timeout = 10
retry = 4
wrapuptime = 10
maxlen = 0
joinempty = no
memberdelay = 0
call-limit =1

member => Agent 1200,1
member => Agent 1201,1

member => Agent 1300,2
member => Agent 1301,2

we have also set this option in queuemetrics but the calls do not adhere to the priorities?! meaning the agents with the 2 gets as many calls as the agents set to 1

does that all make sense?


Running QueueMetrics / calls not being dropped
« on: July 14, 2008, 14:16:41 »
hello all

we seemed to be experiencing the occasional call not being dropped resulting in a restart of asterisk

the call is still shown on the wall board of queuemetrics even though both parties have hung up

next time it happens i will check the status of zap channels

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