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Messages - bigviper340

Pages: [1]
QueueMetrics installation / Re: Problem using custom reports
« on: October 18, 2011, 14:55:36 »
I'm sorry, we solved, was tha tomcat cache   :o

QueueMetrics installation / Problem using custom reports
« on: October 17, 2011, 15:34:16 »
Hi all,
when we try to make a custom reports  we receve a Missing recordID error.
This error seems related to the browser, with explore  9 does not occur, but it always happens with firefox. I do not find errors on the system side, can you give me a hand?

( we use a old version of QM    Loway QueueMetrics - 1.5.5  )

Running QueueMetrics / Re: problem with calls via the robot user
« on: April 22, 2011, 14:18:37 »
I created a report called test in which there are no data agents

Running QueueMetrics / problem with calls via the robot user
« on: April 20, 2011, 22:51:00 »
Hi all
I need to have custom reports retrieved by the robot user
If I try to call this url  http://x.x.x.x:8180/queuemetrics/
I see the report correctly defined by default.

but if I try to make  report called such a test, and I recall it using the parameter reportname, I still see the report defualt, where am I doing wrong?


Pages: [1]