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Messages - mnettel

Pages: [1]
QueueMetrics installation / Re: Issues with Time?
« on: February 09, 2017, 20:06:14 »
Thanks for the reply. Checking the time via mysql shows our correct time. I should also be clear that the row count is incrementing as expected. It looks like the qloader has been working correctly as expected, but the heartbeat times are still off. Epoch timestamps in the table are correct as well. I'm not sure where to troubleshoot

QueueMetrics installation / Re: Issues with Time?
« on: February 08, 2017, 20:43:47 »
Another interesting thing- While the date is usually the correct date, the hour in the Mysql informatino page stays on 02:xx. So if it's 11:30AM the time will show 02:30. If it's 10:45PM, the time will show 02:45

QueueMetrics installation / Issues with Time?
« on: February 08, 2017, 20:13:25 »
    We are trying to install Queuemetrics on a separate server. Our Asterisk box is a FreePBX Distro running Asterisk 13.2.0. We're running Qloaderd to upload the queue log to mysql on the queuemetrics server. I see that the data is getting into the DB and the heartbeat log increments. Timezone seems to be set correctly on both servers and they're both sync'd to the same NTP server. Running activity reports for the same day shows no calls. Running it in the past shows some calls. I'm starting to think there is an issue with time. The timestamp (epoch) is correct in the DB. The realtime monitoring page in QM shows the correct time, but no data is displayed, even though agents are logged in. The interesting thing is- the heartbeat time in the Mysql Storage Information page is wrong by about 8 hours. Could this be an internal timezone issue? Do I need set timezone in QM? If that's the case, how does it handle Daylight Savings Time?

Thank you.

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