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Messages - torontob

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For my own reference (Hoping QM doesn't pull the plug on the forum): The user browsing the call detail reports must have the proper privilege. In case of simply selecting supervisor as type won't do the job. But selecting robot or admin works. Once the account is changed to one with more privilege then the recordings start showing up.

Hi everyone,

I know that all of my calls are recorded but QM doesn't show them. Where to look to diagnose?


Don't dare to do that on a production system. I will await you fix the issue in a next release.

Amazing. Let set this as a bug and raise to 240 minutes for future release.

Please read the whole thread carefully.

Killing with -9 was already suggested. This is NOT proper though. If there is a problem with the Espresso install then it should be fixed rather than work-around with "kill -9". Don't you agree? If you don't agree then you might as well add "kill -9" to the Queuemetrics restart script  :D

Confirmed. But I don't agree this is a good feature by default. Maybe you should set it to a high value or disable rather than surprising user. There are call centers with 45 minutes delay....speaking of government bureaucracy....or the local ticket filing office (1.5 hours on average).

Problem still persists. Please test you install script and release a working one.

Yes, that's what I have been using. I wanted to report it so you can create a bug as you see it's an issue.

Piaf and Asterisk (now it probably installs Asterisk since new version came out)

It's not sometimes. It's always. I suggest you run Espresson install on Piaf and then try the command "service queuemetrics restart".
It's a bug in your install script.


Anything to this?


Latest Queuemetrics with install of Espresso on Piaf is what I have. If you check below you see that "queue show" command shows 5 people waiting for agents but the GUI shows only three calls waiting. THIS IS A SERIOUS BUG. PLEASE COMMENT.

Code: [Select]
498 has 5 calls (max unlimited) in 'ringall' strategy (1766s holdtime, 810s talktime), W:0, C:11, A:21, SL:0.0% within 60s
      Local/368@from-internal/n (dynamic) (paused) (Not in use) has taken 4 calls (last was 1001 secs ago)
      Local/367@from-internal/n (dynamic) (paused) (Not in use) has taken 3 calls (last was 2265 secs ago)
      Local/366@from-internal/n (dynamic) (paused) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
      Local/362@from-internal/n (dynamic) (paused) (Not in use) has taken 4 calls (last was 2275 secs ago)
      1. DAHDI/1-1 (wait: 46:10, prio: 0)
      2. DAHDI/6-1 (wait: 30:18, prio: 0)
      3. DAHDI/4-1 (wait: 7:20, prio: 0)
      4. DAHDI/2-1 (wait: 7:04, prio: 0)
      5. DAHDI/5-1 (wait: 6:03, prio: 0)

Two days, I got exactly the same thing. Mine is a latest install with Espresso and using PBXinaFLASH. I have seen tons of /var/log/full.2343 and other full.xxxx files as well.

I am sure this is 100% caused by Queuemetrics install. It's probably that the yum repository doesn't configure the log rotate properly.


My issue went away with a restart for now.


I installed QM latest using Espresso for PiaF but I am seeing a few troubles.

1- When trying to do:

service queuemetrics restart

The service doesn't seem to be able to stop but it moves on once I press CTRL+C and then everything is good. This is what I see:

Code: [Select]
root@pbx:~ $ service queuemetrics restart
Stopping QueueMetrics: Using CATALINA_BASE:   /usr/local/queuemetrics/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /usr/local/queuemetrics/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/local/queuemetrics/tomcat/temp
Using JAVA_HOME:       /usr/local/queuemetrics/java
[b]Pressing CTRL+C at this time since it gets stuck here for ever.[/b]
Starting QueueMetrics:  Using CATALINA_BASE:   /usr/local/queuemetrics/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /usr/local/queuemetrics/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/local/queuemetrics/tomcat/temp
Using JAVA_HOME:       /usr/local/queuemetrics/java

2- Something is wrong with Qloader with Espresso, today Asterisk was going crazy with repeated messages that queue_log file is too big and I seen thousands of /var/log/asterisk/full.2342, full.2333, full.2829 etc....files in the /var/log/asterisk/folder. I am not sure what caused this but qloader should have been installed by Espresso and should have had all configured fine. What should I do to check everything is fine?

Here is the file sizes:
Code: [Select]
-rw-rw----  1 asterisk asterisk   139753 Jul 29 00:41 qloaderd.log
-rw-rw-r--  1 asterisk asterisk    71279 Jul 24 03:48 qloaderd.log.1
-rw-rw----  1 asterisk asterisk  5631846 Jul 29 00:42 queue_log
-rw-rw----  1 asterisk asterisk  3604690 Jul 24 04:02 queue_log.1
-rw-rw-r--  1 asterisk asterisk    12608 Jul 17 04:02 queue_log.2


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