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Messages - jerez_alvaro

Pages: [1]
Running WombatDialer / Running campaigns in specific time range
« on: May 21, 2015, 16:34:48 »
Hello support,

I have created a campaign and set to run form 093000 to 205959,
When I check the running period I see that the campaign is running after and before this period,

I check the campaign configuration in the web application and double check it in the mysql database, the server and mysql time and date are OK

Any one experimented this issue ?

Thanks in advance

Running WombatDialer / Re: Load a list of numbers in csv format
« on: March 27, 2015, 15:46:56 »
Sorry I see my error now, the file format wasn´t correct,
It works now

Running WombatDialer / Load a list of numbers in csv format
« on: March 27, 2015, 15:39:21 »

I am testing the dialer it is agreat product so far

I am trying to load a list of numbers in csv format but the "Upload" button is not enable, to use this feature I need a licence ?

Thanks in advance
Best Regards

Pages: [1]