QueueMetrics > QueueMetrics installation
3 node cluster each with a different timezone
I am running queuemetrics 1.5 as a cluster to monitor 3 different asterisk servers. each server is located in a different time zone. i am having a problem with realtime page. it only works correclty with the server located in the same time zone as the queuemetrics servers. The other 2 servers do show call information, but it appears as negative!!!
any help is greatly appreicated.
At the moment, the clustering feature is expectiong all data to be in the same time-zone, or it will not understand things. What you can do is to use the offset parameter of qloaderd to make al lthe calls have the same timestamp.
--- Code: ---my $timezone_offset = 0 * 3600; # in seconds
--- End code ---
The timezone offset is ADDED to the current timestamp when sending data over to QM.
As i'am going to run into the same situation, i wanted to ask if this workaround still is the best way to adress it.
Or is there any other way to support different timezones?
Best regards,
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