QueueMetrics > General Asterisk configuration

Add-Remove Member function not working on device side

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I have SIP softphones that are working on a queue.
All is working fine, but I see that static agents are considered always-on in the reports.
I found that the MEMBER function can track the login and logoff in the queue.
This function works if the agent uses the QM web interface, but I would like that
an agent could add or remove himself as member directly from the phone.

My problem is that I am not able to configure it, even if I see that "25" and "27" codes can be dialed
on the phone to do that.
I think that my dialplan in AsteriskNOW doesn't consider the extensions_queuemetrics.conf. How can
I be sure that AsteriskNOW uses these codes ?
How can I use these codes on the phone ? Just dial "25" and the queue number ?
thank you!

My QM is 1.6.1

You would need to create an equivalent function in your dialplan - the QM dialplan is made to be called by QM only, because it passes parameters setting channel variables.

Thank you for your fast reply.
So, should I put these commands in extensions_custom.conf ?

--- Code: ---[from-internal]
; extension 25: agent addqueuemember (for asterisk v1.4+)
exten => 25,1,Answer
exten => 25,2,NoOp( "QM: AddQueueMember (asterisk v1.4+) Agent/${AGENTCODE} on queue ${QUEUENAME} made by '${QM_LOGIN}'" )
exten => 25,3,AddQueueMember(${QUEUENAME},Local/${AGENTCODE}@from-internal)
exten => 25,4,Hangup

; extension 27: agent removequeuemember (for asterisk v1.4+)
exten => 27,1,Answer
exten => 27,2,NoOp( "QM: RemoveQueueMember (asterisk v1.4+) Agent/${AGENTCODE} on queue ${QUEUENAME} made by '${QM_LOGIN}'" )
exten => 27,3,RemoveQueueMember(${QUEUENAME},Local/${AGENTCODE}@from-internal)
exten => 27,4,Hangup
--- End code ---

Fantastic, it works with this code below!!
Guy, you helped me a lot !!! Thank you very much !!  :D

--- Code: ---[from-internal]

; addqueuemember - 422 - for Asterisk 1.4
exten => _422XXX,1,Answer
exten => _422XXX,2,AddQueueMember(0909,SIP/${EXTEN:3})
exten => _422XXX,3,Hangup

; removequeuemember - 423 - for Asterisk 1.4
exten => _423XXX,1,Answer
exten => _423XXX,2,RemoveQueueMember(0909,SIP/${EXTEN:3})
exten => _423XXX,3,Hangup
--- End code ---



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