WombatDialer > Running WombatDialer
Caller ID
Just got my test build of Wombat dialer working and am wondering if it is possible to configure the system to pass caller ID information to the Agent that is answering the call so they know who has been reached?
What do you see now as the caller-id? in general variables are passed to both legs, so any variables you have set on the main leg is also available on the remote leg. Or you could use the agents page in QM to have an "overview" of recent activities, letting people pause/unpause etc.
I currently see "Unknown". I was hoping to at least see the number that was called. Do I have to add Attributes to the call list in order for this to come through?
Tried to get the Queuemetrics portion working but I can not seem to get it to talk with FreePBX properly as agent status is not updating.
--- Quote from: dfrederiksen on August 26, 2013, 23:21:56 ---I currently see "Unknown". I was hoping to at least see the number that was called. Do I have to add Attributes to the call list in order for this to come through?
--- End quote ---
There is an example on how to get around this limitation in the FAQ: http://wombatdialer.com/faq.jsp
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