QueueMetrics > Running QueueMetrics

Split Audio Files

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I was wondering if it would be possible to modify the storage of the monitoring files to add additional variables.  For example, we'd like to have a directory structure as follows:


This way, we can separate our audio recordings, and make the archiving of them per customer much simpler.  The only issue I foresee is that the configuration.properties may not accept a variable for the Queue-CustID, or at least not an asterisk based variable.

Before I spend too much time on this, is this feasible/possible?

I've seen the documentation to change the FilesByDay, etc. but because I'm using FreePBX it makes it a bit more difficult to split up.  I'm sure I can get FreePBX to cooperate, by moving the queue out into extensions_custom, to set the recording path, the thing is how do I get QM to pickup the variable path...



The LocalFilesByDay already allows the arbitrary naming based on the queue name.....

But that is at the recording file name, not the directory level.  I was hoping to have a directory level name, so that we can allow access to archive recordings by queue/subqueue. 

You could do queue/YYYY/MM/DD/client/filename.wav, or just YYYY/MM/DD/queue-client-unique.wav

The big problem is when you have 1000s or 10000s of files in the same directory.

Is there a way to do queue.subqueue/YYY/MMM/DDD/filename.wav?  The queue.subqueue would be sufficient, as we could setup ftp access to ertain folders for certain users.  If the client definition is all the way at the end, that's a lot of directories to add to the ftp access list...



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