QueueMetrics > Outbound and QueueMetrics
Quemeterics not recognising remote caller hangup
I did a workaround to resolve the problem when the remote caller hangs up first. Firstly, it seems that most of the times if the remote side hangs up first, Asterisk does no send the AGI variable back to the queueDial script and then it does not terminate properly and the call just seems to go on and on.
So I put the following line into my hang-up-call macro:
exten => s,n,System( echo "${EPOCH}|${UNIQUEID}|${QUEUENAME}|${AGENT}|COMPLETECALLER|0|${ANSWEREDTIME}" >> /var/log/asterisk/queue_log )
this line then records, into queue_log, that the call is terminated properly and queuemetrics no longer displays a call as continuing indefinitely.
I put in 'COMPLETECALLER' as I know that I only get the error when remote hangsup first and '0' as we are not interested how long the remote party took to answer the phone.
Thanks once more for a great product
That's a hack, sure, but a nice one :-)
--- Quote from: AngeloA on May 07, 2007, 10:31:40 ---Hi
I have replaced the name with the number, but this change had no effect. The AGI script still does not terminate properly when the remote side hangs up. The PSTN number that I dial is correct, I just deleted the first part for anonymity.
--- End quote ---
Although this is an older thread, I am experiencing a similar issue. I followed the tutorial for setting up the outbound "queue", and it seems to track the beginning of the call just fine, but not the end. Doesn't really seem to matter who hangs up first in my case.
I am using an IAX2 trunk for mine. My dialplan for this is as follows:
--- Code: ---[queuedial]
exten => _XXX.,1,SetVar(MY_QUE=${EXTEN:0:3})
exten => _XXX.,2,SetVar(MY_NUM=${EXTEN:3})
exten => _XXX.,3,SetVar(MY_AGENT=${CALLERIDNUM})
exten => _XXX.,4,NoOp,Ag: ${MY_AGENT} N: ${MY_NUM} Q: ${MY_QUE}
exten => _XXX.,5,MixMonitor(Q-${MY_QUE}-${UNIQUEID}.wav|b|)
exten => _XXX.,6,DeadAGI(queueDial.agi|${MY_NUM}|IAX2/iax2trunk/${MY_NUM}|q-${MY_QUE}|Local/${MY_AGENT}@from-internal)
exten => _XXX.,7,Congestion
--- End code ---
You may also note that I am tracking "Local/${MY_AGENT}@from-internal". This is because "agents" seem to disappear from our CDR, and we currently bill out based on CDR info.
As described by AngeloA, the end of the call does not seem to get logged. I'd rather not hack my main hangup script, especially on a production server. Could something similar be placed in the above dialplan? Or is there something in the queueDial.agi script I should look for?
Which version of Asterisk are you running?
Trixbox 2.2 with Asterisk 1.2.20
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