QueueMetrics > QueueMetrics installation

QM on Elastix 2.0 Install Error: Bad ELF Interpreter

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I am trying to install via yum on my Elastix 2.0 server, but I am running into an error during the installation process:

--- Code: ---Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no]
/usr/local/queuemetrics/jdk-1.6.0_20-linux-i586.bin: ./install.sfx.22549: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
Failed to extract the files.  Please refer to the Troubleshooting section of
the Installation Instructions on the download page for more information.
--- End code ---

I have been using QM for years now on an old Trixbox server, but I have finally gotten around to upgrading, but I am stuck at the install process due to this error.

One interesting note is that even though the "Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no]" question is in the output above, the process does not stop there and allow me to input an answer, it just proceeds right through without pausing.

Any thoughts?


Are you running Elastix 2.0 32-bit or 64-bit?

We're running 64-bit.


Fiddling a little more, I tried making a symbolic link /lib/ld-linux.so.2 that pointed to  /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 and that, unsurprisingly, did not work.

I then installed the Sun Java JDK, but I am still getting issues with starting QM because the variables JAVA_HOME, JRE_HOME, and CATALINA_HOME are not populated. I'm sure that I could define those, export them, and make it work, but I'd prefer to have a stock install  if that's possible, so I'm going to wait. Please let me know if that's a likely possibility.


OK, boneheaded move. The variable is defined in the /etc/init.d/queuemetrics script upon startup. I changed the line that defines the JAVA_HOME variable to point at /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_21/ and that worked like a charm.

I would still like to be able to use a QM provided RPM, as that would make updates to the JVM easier.



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