QueueMetrics > QueueMetrics installation

Track inbound direct call (outside of an inbound queue)

<< < (2/3) > >>

With my code above, the agents are logged as Local/xxxx@from-internal and therefore don't match agents.

Given my trouble getting the ability to use Agent/xxxx instead of Local/xxxx@from-queue I might have some other configuration problems that contributes to this.


No problem - as long as Local/123@from-internal and Agent/123 are the same person, you can trick QM into reading them just the same by setting rewriteLocal to true

Today will be the first day with this config.  I figured out my rewriteLocal issue -- I hadn't updated the queues to have the agents with the Agents/xxxx members.  I did the change and looked at the historical reports and it all looked good and right.  Even the Local/xxxx@from-inside got rewritten as you suggested.

The code above has been updated to reflect my current configuration.



I need to re-factor this.  I never give inbound callers to the ability to get to voicemail.

Perhaps I'll make a new qm-queuedial context to pass the calls to which use the existing FreePBX framework for passing the calls.


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