QueueMetrics > General Asterisk configuration

Dynamic Agents and Asterisk ARA

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on a side note, using agent context dialing with the local_channel@customer1 causes some minor nuisances with the TRANSFERS. 

When you initiate a transfer, it looks in this same customer1 context for a match rather then the phone's context specified in the sip.conf file.  B/c my agentID and my extensions are the same, I am using a  temporary work around to have the agents enter a "9" if they want to transfer to an extension.  If they transfer by entering in an agent's ID, then just the 4 digit is fine however I'm having difficulties trying to figure out how to handle things such as a VM in this customer1 context. 

My customer1 context is pretty simple the way it is:


exten => _xxxx,1,RealTimeLookup(.....)  Find out the extension of the agent
exten => _xxxx,2,Dial(sip/xxxx)

I can't start adding things like priority 3 and sending it to VM b/c that will cause regular calls from the queue into voicemail.  Any suggestions welcomed.

Nevermind, I found a fix for this


Add a /n to the local_channel@customer1/n when adding this member into a queue.  Works like a charm.


Actually since adding that /n to my dynamic members, everything is going great how asterisk reports the calls now to the queue_log

I think this issue is fixed* but I will have tons more of questions :)

yes this looks fixed. feel free to post other questions (better if on different threads) if you have other topics we can help you on.


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