QueueMetrics > Realtime Live

Realtime - Magic Wand

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Currently in realtime on the magic wand dropdown menu (popup) when I try to select this disappears quickly without letting you click one of the options.

It's possible configurate a parameter for this?


Not at the moment - try making the refresh slower and se eif this changes the time that the popup stays visible.
Which browser are you using?


I use Firefox and Google Chrome in Linux  & Windows but it's equal.

I do not understand this:
...try making the refresh slower...

You mean to:
F5 in the page?
Move the mouse over magic wand icon?

Sorry for my english, It's not me native language.

Thanks for your colaboration.

Try setting the refresh rate to 20 seconds. DO things improve?

Hi, Thanks for you help.

I do verify the refresh of realtime page and when I do reload manually, the pop-up no work fine, but, if the refresh is automatic (no button reload press) the pop-up work fine.


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