QueueMetrics > Scripting QueueMetrics
Working example for php custom wallboard
Update: Multiple bugs on the provided wallboard, unhappy clients, no resolution will realistically be available:
Tell your clients NO, these ad-hoc wallboards are NOT officially supported. Just don't do it, unless you are in prison and really need something to take time.
DO: use the built in supported wallboards
Thanks, that works great.
A customer requested a custom display, but I am in a bind as the documentation appears non-existant at this time.
There is a huge post a bit further down this page, although the source code link is down and no one bothered to paste the program in it's entirety into the post, which of course invalidates the entire thing.
(I even attempted to mine the google cache for that downed reference site)
I got a standard "wallboard" going just fine with the robot user.
Where is there a working example anywhere for PHP ??
I followed the instructions in the .pdf but all I get is an error message.
Fault Code: 5 Fault Reason: Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.1 404 /queuemetrics-
Is this a user authentiction error or an input error, what?
--- Code: ---<h1>A QueueMetrics XML-RPC client in PHP</h1>
require_once 'XML/RPC.php';
$qm_server = "ip_address"; // the QueueMetrics server address
$qm_port = "8080"; // the port QueueMetrics is running on
$qm_webapp = "queuemetrics-"; // the webapp name for QueueMetrics
// set which response blocks we are looking for
$req_blocks = new XML_RPC_Value(array(
new XML_RPC_Value("DetailsDO.CallsOK"),
new XML_RPC_Value("DetailsDO.CallsKO")
), "array");
// general invocation parameters - see the documentation
$params = array(
new XML_RPC_Value("queue-dps"),
new XML_RPC_Value("robot"),
new XML_RPC_Value("robot"),
new XML_RPC_Value("lol"),
new XML_RPC_Value("lol"),
new XML_RPC_Value("2011-07-25.12:23:12"),
new XML_RPC_Value("2011-07-25.08:23:10"),
new XML_RPC_Value(""),
$msg = new XML_RPC_Message('QM.stats', $params);
$cli = new XML_RPC_Client("/$qm_webapp/xmlrpc.do", $qm_server, $qm_port);
$resp = $cli->send($msg);
if (!$resp) {
echo 'Communication error: ' . $cli->errstr;
if ($resp->faultCode()) {
echo 'Fault Code: ' . $resp->faultCode() . "\n";
echo 'Fault Reason: ' . $resp->faultString() . "\n";
} else {
$val = $resp->value();
$blocks = XML_RPC_decode($val);
// now we print out the details....
printBlock( "result", $blocks );
printBlock( "DetailsDO.CallsOK", $blocks );
printBlock( "DetailsDO.CallsKO", $blocks );
// output a response block as HTML
function printBlock( $blockname, $blocks ) {
echo "<h2>Response block: $blockname </h2>";
echo "<table border=1>";
$block = $blocks[$blockname];
for ( $r = 0; $r < sizeof( $block ); $r++ ) {
echo "<tr>";
for ( $c = 0; $c < sizeof( $block[$r] ); $c++ ) {
echo( "<td>" . $block[$r][$c] . "</td>" );
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
--- End code ---
--- Quote from: cuban_cigar on July 25, 2011, 22:55:38 ---A customer requested a custom display, but I am in a bind as the documentation appears non-existant at this time.
There is a huge post a bit further down this page, although the source code link is down and no one bothered to paste the program in it's entirety into the post, which of course invalidates the entire thing.
--- End quote ---
Below is an updated version of the original qmon.php (the link for which is active again).
If you get errors, un-commenting the line "//$cli_rt->setDebug(1);" helps.
Hope this helps.
--- Code: ---<?php
Author: Barry Flanagan <barry AT flantel DOT com>
Date: 21 Nov 2007
Copyright 2007-2011 Barry Flanagan, but feel free :-)
Small script to grab the calls waiting and Agent information for a given queue from the QueueMetrics XML-RPC service and
create a simple display for use on a wallboard.
Display colours will change from Green to Yellow to Red depending on Calls waiting, Ready Agents. Will also sound an alarm.
This has proved useful in a large callcentre where the standard QM RT monitoring screen is too detailed and hard to see
from a distance.
To use, simply define the queues you want to monitor as $queueids in the switch statement, give the queuegroups a name
and set the $ROBOT_USER user and $PASSWORD, as well as the IP address of your QM server
Call as http://<your web server>/wallboard.php?queue=<queuegroup> - you can add other parameters; see the _GETs below
and set the $ROBOT_USER user and $PASSWORD, as well as the IP address of your QM server
This script relies on Outbound queues to be names in QM as *-Outbound, so that we can optionally display or not display the actual outbound queue.
QM Sub-queues are supported, and rely on a naming convention in QM such as "Master queue.sub queue" -
i.e. the name for the queue is made up of the Mater queue name, followed by a period followed by the sub queue name. If this convention is
followed, then you will get a single wallboard column for the Maste Queue, rather than a column for each and every subqueue.
require_once 'XML/RPC.php';
$qm_server = ""; // the QueueMetrics server address
$qm_port = "8080"; // the port QueueMetrics is running on
$qm_webapp = "queuemetrics"; // the webapp name for QueueMetrics
isset($_GET['refresh'])?$refresh = $_GET['refresh']:$refresh=5; // how often to refresh the page
isset($_GET['queue'])?$queuegroup = $_GET['queue']:$queuegroup='inbound'; // Which queue group to display (see switch statement below)
isset($_GET['showstatus'])?$showstatus = $_GET['showstatus']:$showstatus=1; // Whether to show the Agent Status for a queue group
isset($_GET['showcurrcalls'])?$showcurrcalls = $_GET['showcurrcalls']:$showcurrcalls=1; // Whether to show the Current Calls for a queue group
isset($_GET['showout'])?$showoutbound = $_GET['showout']:$showoutbound=1; //Whether to show the Outbound queue as a separate column for a queue group
$useSubqueues = true;
switch ($queuegroup) {
case 'inbound':
$queueids = "302|303|304|305|310|311|312";
case 'sales':
$queueids = "408|409|410|411|414|Sales-Outbound";
$outboundqueue = 'Sales-Outbound';
case 'techsupp':
$queueids = "519|519.*|521|521.*|522|526|526.*|528|528.*|551|567|567.*|TechSupp-Outbound|430|530";
$showoutbound = 0;
$outboundqueue = 'TechSupp-Outbound';
$queuename='Technical Support';
<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<?php echo $refresh ?>"><title><?php echo $queuename . " Wallboard" ?></title></head><body marginheight=0 marginwidth=0>
<table width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border="0">
$queuelist = array_merge(explode("|", $queueids),explode("|",$outboundqueue));
$req_blocks_rt = new XML_RPC_Value(array(
new XML_RPC_Value("RealtimeDO.RTCallsBeingProc"),
new XML_RPC_Value("RealtimeDO.RTAgentsLoggedIn"),
new XML_RPC_Value("RealtimeDO.RTRiassunto")
), "array");
// First we need to get the number of ready agents for the common queues. This is a bug in QM as it will report
// an agent as free in one queue even if they are on a call in another.
$params_rt = array(
new XML_RPC_Value($queueids),
new XML_RPC_Value(""),
new XML_RPC_Value(""),
$msg_rt = new XML_RPC_Message('QM.realtime', $params_rt);
$cli_rt = new XML_RPC_Client("/$qm_webapp/xmlrpc.do", $qm_server,$qm_port);
$resp_rt = $cli_rt->send($msg_rt);
if (!$resp_rt) {
echo 'Communication error: ' . $cli_rt->errstr;
if ($resp_rt->faultCode()) {
echo 'Fault Code: ' . $resp_rt->faultCode() . "\n";
echo 'Fault Reason: ' . $resp_rt->faultString() . "\n";
} else {
$val_rt = $resp_rt->value();
$blocks_rt = XML_RPC_decode($val_rt);
// now we decode the results
$agent = getAgentLoggedIn( "RealtimeDO.RTAgentsLoggedIn", $blocks_rt );
$agentStatus = getCurrentCalls( "RealtimeDO.RTCallsBeingProc", $blocks_rt);
$print = 1;
getQueueStatus( "RealtimeDO.RTRiassunto", $blocks_rt, $queueids, $print);
isset($queue['all selected']['ragents'])?$ragents = $queue['all selected']['ragents']:$ragents = 0;
// Get the waiting calls and number of agents for these queues
// Get the current queue stats
function getQueueStatus( $blockname, $blocks, $queueids, $print ) {
global $queue, $queuelist, $ragents, $useSubqueues;
$block = $blocks[$blockname];
for ( $r = 1; $r < sizeof( $block ) ; $r++ ) {
$currentQueue = $block[$r][1];
if ( $currentQueue == "all selected") {
$ragents = $block[$r][3];
if ((1 == substr_count($currentQueue,'.')) && ($useSubqueues)) {
list($masterqueue, $subqueue) = explode('.', $currentQueue);
$currentQueue = $masterqueue;
isset($queue[$currentQueue]['waiting'])?$queue[$currentQueue]['waiting'] = $queue[$currentQueue]['waiting']:$queue[$currentQueue]['waiting'] = 0;
isset($queue[$currentQueue]['incalls'])?$queue[$currentQueue]['incalls'] = $queue[$currentQueue]['incalls']:$queue[$currentQueue]['incalls'] = 0;
isset($queue[$currentQueue]['outcalls'])?$queue[$currentQueue]['outcalls'] = $queue[$currentQueue]['outcalls']:$queue[$currentQueue]['outcalls'] = 0;
$queue[$currentQueue]['name'] = $masterqueue;
$queue[$currentQueue]['waiting'] = $block[$r][7] + $queue[$currentQueue]['waiting'];
$queue[$currentQueue]['nagents'] = $block[$r][2];
$queue[$currentQueue]['ragents'] = $block[$r][3];
$queue[$currentQueue]['incalls'] = $block[$r][8] + $queue[$currentQueue]['incalls'];
$queue[$currentQueue]['outcalls'] = $block[$r][9] + $queue[$currentQueue]['outcalls'];
} else {
$queue[$currentQueue]['waiting'] = $block[$r][7];
$queue[$currentQueue]['name'] = $block[$r][1];
$queue[$currentQueue]['nagents'] = $block[$r][2];
$queue[$currentQueue]['ragents'] = $block[$r][3];
$queue[$currentQueue]['incalls'] = $block[$r][8];
$queue[$currentQueue]['outcalls'] = $block[$r][9];
// if (!$useSubqueues) $queue[$currentQueue]['name'] = str_replace("."," ",$queue[$currentQueue]['name']);
// $waitqueue = $queue[$currentQueue]['waiting'];
// $nagents = $queue[$currentQueue]['nagents'];
// $currcalls = $queue[$currentQueue]['incalls'] + $queue[$currentQueue]['outcalls'];
if (!isset($queue[$currentQueue]['maxholdtime'])) $queue[$currentQueue]['maxholdtime'] = '0:00';
if($queue[$currentQueue]['maxholdtime'] == '') $queue[$currentQueue]['maxholdtime'] = '0:00';
if (preg_match('/utbound/', $currentQueue)) {
$ragents = $queue[$currentQueue]['ragents'];
$queue[$currentQueue]['waiting'] = '0';
$queue[$currentQueue]['maxholdtime'] = '0:00';
function orderBy(&$data, $field) {
$code = "return strnatcmp(\$a['$field'], \$b['$field']);";
usort($data, create_function('$a,$b', $code));
function printQueues($queues) {
global $ragents, $showcurrcalls, $showstatus, $showoutbound;
$tdwidth = round(100/sizeof($queues),1) . "%";
foreach ( $queues as $queue ) {
// width for the tables
$currentQueue = $queue['name'];
if (1 == substr_count($currentQueue,'Master')) continue;
if (( $showoutbound == 0) && (1 == substr_count($currentQueue,'utbound'))) continue;
$queueholdtime = $queue['maxholdtime'];
$waitqueue = $queue['waiting'];
$nagents = $queue['nagents'];
$currcalls = $queue['incalls'] + $queue['outcalls'];
$ragents = $queue['ragents'];
// Set up colour and formatting depending on the status of the queue
if( $waitqueue == 0 ) {
$waitbgcolor = "green";
$snd = null;
$waitfontcolor = "white";
} elseif ($waitqueue == 1){
$waitbgcolor = "yellow";
$snd = '<EMBED SRC="/sounds/dingdong.wav" HIDDEN="true" AUTOSTART="true">';
$waitfontcolor = "black";
} elseif ($waitqueue > 1) {
$waitbgcolor = "red";
$snd = '<EMBED SRC="/sounds/ringer.wav" HIDDEN="true" AUTOSTART="true">';
$waitfontcolor = "white";
$waitqueue = "<blink>" . $waitqueue . "</blink>";
if( $ragents > 2 ) {
$ragentsbgcolor = "green";
$ragentsfontcolor = "white";
} elseif ($ragents == 2){
$ragentsbgcolor = "yellow";
$ragentsfontcolor = "black";
} elseif ($ragents <= 1) {
$ragentsbgcolor = "red";
$ragentsfontcolor = "white";
$currentQueue = str_replace("."," ",$currentQueue);
print <<<END
<td width="$tdwidth" valign="top">
<div style="border: 2px solid #FFF; width: 100%">
<div width="100%" align="center" valign="center" style="color:white; font-size: 15px; background-color: black; height: 70px;">$currentQueue</div>
<div style="background-color: grey; height:3px"> </div>
<div align="center" style="color:$waitfontcolor; font-size: 25px; background-color: $waitbgcolor; ">Calls Waiting</div>
<div align="center" style="color:$waitfontcolor; font-size: 70px; background-color: $waitbgcolor; ">$waitqueue</div>
<div align="center" style="color:$waitfontcolor; font-size: 25px; background-color: $waitbgcolor; ">Max $queueholdtime</div>
<div style="background-color: grey; height:3px"> </div>
if ($showcurrcalls == 1) {
print <<<END
<div align="center" style="color:white; font-size: 25px; background-color: green">Curr Calls:</div>
<div align="center" style="color:white; font-size: 70px; background-color: green">$currcalls</div>
print <<<END
<div style="background-color: grey; height:3px"> </div>
<div align="center" style="color:$ragentsfontcolor; font-size: 20px; background-color: $ragentsbgcolor">Rdy Agnt: <br>$ragents/$nagents</div>
<!-- <div align="center" style="color:$ragentsfontcolor; font-size: 70px; background-color: $ragentsbgcolor">$ragents </div> -->
// Get the actual status of each agent
function getAgentLoggedIn( $blockname, $blocks ) {
// global $agent;
$agent = array();
$block = $blocks[$blockname];
for ( $r = 1; $r < sizeof( $block ) ; $r++ ) {
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['name'] = $block[$r][1];
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['lastlogin'] = $block[$r][3];
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['queues'] = $block[$r][4];
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['extension'] = $block[$r][5];
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['onpause'] = $block[$r][6];
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['srv'] = $block[$r][7];
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['lastcall'] = $block[$r][8];
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['onqueue'] = $block[$r][9];
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['caller'] = 'none';
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['entered'] = null;
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['waiting'] = null;
$agent[$block[$r][1]]['duration'] = null;
return $agent;
// Get the current call details for each agent
function getCurrentCalls( $blockname, $blocks) {
global $agent, $queue, $useSubqueues;
$block = $blocks[$blockname];
for ( $r = 1; $r < sizeof( $block ) ; $r++ ) {
$agentname = $block[$r][6];
$agent[$agentname]['queue'] = $block[$r][1];
$agent[$agentname]['caller'] = $block[$r][2];
$agent[$agentname]['entered'] = $block[$r][3];
$agent[$agentname]['waiting'] = $block[$r][4];
$agent[$agentname]['duration'] = $block[$r][5];
if ($agent[$agentname]['duration'] == '-') {
if (1 == substr_count($agent[$agentname]['queue'],'.') && ($useSubqueues)) {
list($agent[$agentname]['queue'], $subqueue) = explode('.', $agent[$agentname]['queue']);
if (toSec($agent[$agentname]['waiting']) > toSec($queue[$agent[$agentname]['queue']]['maxholdtime'])) $queue[$agent[$agentname]['queue']]['maxholdtime'] = $agent[$agentname]['waiting'] ;
$agentStatus = '';
for ( $r = 0; $r < sizeof( $agent ) ; $r++ ) {
$agent = array_values($agent);
if ($rowcount == 1){
$rowcolor = "lightgray";
} elseif ($rowcount == 2) {
$rowcolor = "gray";
$rowcount = 1;
// get the last call time for the agent, and convery to epoc time
if ((isset($agent[$r]['lastcall'])) && (strstr($agent[$r]['lastcall'],':'))) {
list($h, $m, $s) = explode(':', $agent[$r]['lastcall']);
$lastcalltime = mktime($h,$m,$s);
if ($agent[$r]['duration'] != '') {
$status = "On Call since " . $agent[$r]['entered'] . " (" . $agent[$r]['duration'] . " mins)";
$bgcolor3 = $rowcolor;
$fontcolor3 = "red";
} elseif (!preg_match('/-/',$agent[$r]['onpause'])){
$status = "On Pause since " . $agent[$r]['onpause'];
$bgcolor3 = $rowcolor;
$fontcolor3 = "blue";
} elseif (time() - $lastcalltime < 5) {
$status = "Wrapping up";
$bgcolor3 = $rowcolor;
$fontcolor3 = "yellow";
} else {
$status = "Available";
$bgcolor3 = $rowcolor;
$fontcolor3 = "black";
if (isset($agent[$r]['name'])) {
if(!isset($agent[$r]['queue'])) $agent[$r]['queue'] = '';
$agentStatus .="<tr bgcolor=\"" . $rowcolor . "\" style=\"color:black; font-size: 20px;\"><td> </td><td>" . $agent[$r]['name'] . "</td><td style=\"color:" . $fontcolor3 . ";\" bgcolor=\"" . $bgcolor3 . "\" >" . $status . "</td><td>" . $agent[$r]['lastcall'] . "</td><td>" . $agent[$r]['queue'] . "</td></tr>";
return $agentStatus;
function toSec ($hms) {
list($h, $m, $s) = explode (":", $hms);
$seconds = 0;
$seconds += (intval($h) * 3600);
$seconds += (intval($m) * 60);
$seconds += (intval($s));
return $seconds;
</tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr>
if ($showstatus == 1) {
print <<<END
<!-- Agent Status Table -->
<td colspan=20 bgcolor="gray" valign="top">
<table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="border: 2px solid #000">
<tr style="color:white; font-size: 25px;">
<td> </td><td>Agent</td><td>Status</td><td>Last Call</td><td>Current Queue</td>
--- End code ---
Thanks Barry! :)
I guess that if you charge 1$ for each time this question has been raised, you are going to have a neat second income ;D
Your time is now barryf
In all seriousness, this page is now at the top of google for general terms like "queuemetrics wallboard"
Many clients in my small geographic region have come to me with your code asking for modifications.
They pay hundreds of dollars per hour.
You built the code barryf, you can support it best. That is your money.
Seize the initiative, put a link to your contact info in your signature, build a business out of this.
Of course I can relate if you are busy elsewhere.
In general, we would like to have a list of available programmers who are skilled at this kind of job - we often have small jobs of this kind that may be interesting for a freelancer.
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