QueueMetrics > QueueMetrics installation

DB upgrade problems from to (1.6.1S7 Updating QA forms)


This problem looks very similar to this topic: http://forum.queuemetrics.com/index.php?topic=861.0

When the DB test starts I get the following, which I expect:

--- Quote ---Checking current version of table: 'agenti_noti'   

Error   Java Error: Errore DB: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'aliases' in 'field list' The required database table 'agenti_noti' is missing some fields. Are you updating from a previous version of QM?   

--- End quote ---

You then get the warning to backup your database
click next
and then wait.
show processlist on mysql cli shows the schema updates taking place.
After about 10-15min the page fails with a java time-out error and offers you the session restart button which takes you back to the dbtest page which again shows

--- Quote ---Checking current version of table: 'agenti_noti'   

Error   Java Error: Errore DB: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'aliases' in 'field list' The required database table 'agenti_noti' is missing some fields. Are you updating from a previous version of QM?   

--- End quote ---
but this time clicking next immediately returns

--- Quote ---The database upgrade and repair process was terminated successfully.
Below you can find the performed check details:   
Test performed   Test result   
1.6.1S7   Updating QA forms with issue information   Err   
--- End quote ---

Looking at the mysql bin logs I have:

--- Quote ---CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_513824 ( myInt INT NOT NULL, myStr CHAR(30) NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO temp_513824 ( myInt, myStr ) VALUES ( '', 'x' )
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `temp_513824` /* generated by server */
ALTER TABLE `queue_log` CHANGE `call_id` `call_id` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `queue_log` CHANGE `data2` `data2` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `queue_log` CHANGE `data3` `data3` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE `queue_log` CHANGE `data4` `data4` VARCHAR( 200 ) NOT NULL
UPDATE dbversion SET version_id = 21
CREATE TABLE `export_calls` (`call_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`job_id` int(11) default NULL,`call_status` enum('L','C','X','D') default NULL,`ast_uniqueid` varchar(100) default NULL,`sys_dt_creazione` datetime default NULL,`sys_user_creazione` int(11) default '0',`sys_dt_modifica` datetime default NULL,`sys_user_modifica` int(11) default '0',`sys_optilock` int(11) default '0',`ast_queue` varchar(100) default NULL,`ast_timestart` int(10) unsigned default NULL,`ast_waittime` int(10) unsigned default NULL,`ast_talktime` int(10) unsigned default NULL,`ast_agent` varchar(100) default NULL,`ast_caller` varchar(100) default NULL,`ast_callstatus` varchar(10) default NULL,`ast_queuepos` int(10) unsigned default NULL,`ast_disconnection` varchar(100) default NULL,`ast_attempts` int(10) unsigned default NULL,`ast_stints` int(10) unsigned default NULL,`ast_server` varchar(100) default NULL,`ast_ivr` varchar(100) default NULL,`ast_dnis` varchar(100) default NULL,`job_type_code` smallint(6) NOT NULL,`job_param1` varchar(128) NOT NULL,`job_param2` varchar(128) NOT NULL,`job_param3` varchar(128) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`call_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM
CREATE TABLE `export_jobs` (`job_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`job_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,`job_status` varchar(2) NOT NULL,`security_key` varchar(50) NOT NULL,`sys_dt_creazione` datetime NOT NULL,`sys_user_creazione` int(11) NOT NULL,`sys_dt_modifica` datetime NOT NULL,`sys_user_modifica` int(11) NOT NULL,`sys_optilock` int(11) NOT NULL,`job_folder` varchar(200) NOT NULL,`job_class` varchar(100) NOT NULL,`job_params` varchar(200) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY  (`job_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM
UPDATE dbversion SET version_id = 22
ALTER TABLE broadcast_msg ADD  for_agentid   INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AFTER `for_everyone`
UPDATE dbversion SET version_id = 23
CREATE TABLE `qm_tasks` ( `task_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `to_user` int(11) NOT NULL, `to_class` int(11) NOT NULL, `task_type` int(11) NOT NULL, `task_status` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `related_to` int(11) NOT NULL, `refers_to` int(11) NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL, `data1` text, `data2` text, `data3` text, `valid_from` datetime NOT NULL, `expires_on` datetime NOT NULL, `processed_on` datetime NOT NULL, `sys_dt_creazione` datetime NOT NULL, `sys_user_creazione` int(11) NOT NULL, `sys_dt_modifica` datetime NOT NULL, `sys_user_modifica` int(11) NOT NULL, `sys_optilock` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (`task_id`), KEY `unread_tasks` (`to_user`,`task_status`), KEY `tasks_class` (`to_class`,`task_status`), KEY `ext_reference` (`refers_to`,`task_type`), KEY `my_own` (`sys_user_creazione`)) ENGINE=MyISAM
UPDATE dbversion SET version_id = 24
ALTER TABLE qa_comments ADD  enabled   BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `comment_id`
UPDATE dbversion SET version_id = 25
CREATE TABLE `qa_forms_items_attr` (`attribute_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,`form_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,`item_code` VARCHAR( 5 ) NOT NULL ,`attr_type` SET( 'rule', 'weight', 'shortcut' ) NOT NULL ,`attr_value` VARCHAR( 256 ) NOT NULL ,`sys_dt_creazione` DATETIME NOT NULL ,`sys_user_creazione` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,`sys_dt_modifica` DATETIME NOT NULL ,`sys_user_modifica` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,`sys_optilock` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY ( `attribute_id` )) ENGINE = MYISAM
UPDATE dbversion SET version_id = 26
ALTER TABLE qm_tasks ADD  notes   TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `data3`
UPDATE dbversion SET version_id = 27
SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=12/*!*/;
INSERT INTO temp_572536 ( myInt, myStr ) VALUES ( '', 'x' )
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE `temp_572536` /* generated by server */
ROLLBACK /* added by mysqlbinlog */;
--- End quote ---

And in the general log I have:

--- Quote ---SELECT task_id, to_user, to_class, task_type, task_status, related_to, refers_to, message, data1, data2, data3, notes, valid_from, expires_on, processed_on, sys_dt_creazione, sys_user_creazione, sys_dt_modifica, sys_user_modifica, sys_optilock, pID, pFamily FROM qm_tasks WHERE task_type = 101;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'pID' in 'field list'

--- End quote ---

I then manually ran

--- Quote ---alter table qm_tasks add column pID varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL;
alter table qm_tasks add column pFamily varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL;
alter table qm_tasks add KEY `pFamily` (`pFamily`,`pID`);

--- End quote ---

I then restarted the db test and the upgrade continued and completed successfully

--- Quote ---1.6.1S7 Updating QA forms with issue information Ok
1.6.1S7 Adding qa_forms.seckey_queues field Ok
1.6.1S7 Adding call_status.seckey_queues field Ok
1.6.1S8 Adding export_jobs.job_type_code field Ok
1.6.1S8 Removing job_class field in the export_job table Ok
1.6.1S9 Creating agent_history table Ok
1.6.1S9 Creating QA Performance tracker rules table Ok
1.6.1S9 Creating QA Performance tracker rules table Ok
1.6.1S9 Adding pause_codes.isPayable field Ok
1.6.1S9 Creating Payroll agents notes table Ok
1.6.1S10 Adding new events to agent history table Ok
1.6.1S10 Adding qa_perftrack_rules.averaged field Ok
1.6.1S10 Remove the score target in performance tracker rule table Ok
1.7.0MG Adding qa_data.grader_type field Ok
1.7.0MG Fix Payroll Notes table (step 1) Ok
1.7.0MG Fix Payroll Notes table (step 2) Ok
1.7.0 Adding queue_log.data5 field Ok
1.7.0 Creating table ivr Ok
1.7.0 Creating table dnis Ok
1.7.0 QA: Set sectionweights default to 0 Ok
1.7.2 Adding agenti_noti.aliases field Ok
1.7.2 Creating record_tags table Ok
--- End quote ---

Looks fine to me!


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