QueueMetrics > General Asterisk configuration

Dynamic Agents and Asterisk ARA

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--- Quote from: supertle on July 24, 2008, 21:50:41 ---
Local/1001@Customer1 to Queue1
Local/1001@Customer2 to Queue2

QM is recognizing this as the same Agent when in fact its two different agents.

--- End quote ---

Yes - QM will turn the Local/XXX@ctxt to Agent/XXX no matter what the context is. You should use distinct IDs for each agent.


--- Quote from: supertle on July 24, 2008, 23:03:29 ---Also, the realtime monitoring is looking good but when I run reports on the queue.  It is showing the phone extension rather then the Local/agent@context.  The reports does not show anything about these Local/Agents@context answering calls.  It shows the SIP/XXXX devices answering the call.

--- End quote ---

This should be easy - try switching the value here:

--- Code: ---#If a channel name is different when the call is opened from when it's closed, which one to use?

--- End code ---

Try setting to "true" or "false".

I tried what u suggested in:

and it does not make a difference with either.  In the report, it shows the agentID as the SIP/XXXX.  I need to be able to group the reports by the actual AgentID and not where the agent happenned to be sitting at the time he logged in at.  We can have many agents sitting at the same SIP/XXXX location so looking at a report grouped by phone locations does not help.

I am adding the agents in using addmemberqueue as you suggested Local/AgentID@CustomerContext. 
I have default.rewriteLocalChannels=true which is displaying the Agent ID great in the realtime monitoring but when the call is answered, it still shows the SIP/XXXX answering the call.

We have over thousands of agents that is configured like this in our database:




Each customer is assigned with a different 3 digit code.  We have many customers and these 3 digit code is how we are distinguishing agents between each customers.  Do I need to do something in the context CustomerContext to send to the queue_log to tell queuemetrics that it is this AgentXXXX@CustomerContext  answering the call and not SIP/XXXX??

Can you post an example of a call taken from your queue_log file? and explain what went on during that call?


Here's a snippet of an agent logging into a queue.  Follow by a call into that queue.  How can I tweak what's written above of having SIP/1104 to agent/2301 as the one answering and completing the call. 


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