QueueMetrics > QueueMetrics installation

Time and GMT in QM

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I am having one problem with QM1.4.3, regarding time zone.

After having installed all the asterisk infrastructure and having finished configuration, the hour that QM shows is 60 minutes in the future.

I have been looking the options, but the only option which seemed related (TimeOffset) only made the calls appear to last -3600 seconds aprox.

The Debian is correctly configured and it shows the right time when prompted.


If you go to the licence page, what do you see as Time Zone?
See also: http://queuemetrics.com/faq.jsp#faq-032-timezones

I see the following:

System time:     
Java Time: 2008-04-18 15:39:29 [1208529569]
Java Time Zone: GMT+01:00

I am located at Spain, so the GMT is right for my location.

Ok - where do you see the time being incorrect?

In Realtime monitoring:

Realtime call center monitoring - 11:04:57

which is one hour behind our real timezone


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