QueueMetrics > Running QueueMetrics

Wildcards - driving me crazy


I'm having some really strange things happening with the reports.  I previously had statically assigned queues in each of the groups, but as we started to add queues, i thought I would attempt to clean up the long list of queues.  However, it seems that I'm having some problems with the wildcards, and the subqueues.  These reports just don't seem to make sense, we're seeing calls disappear, etc.

What I've noticed is that I can't have a wildcard value after the "." when defining the queues.  It works correctly when using the 9001*|9101*, but when it's used after the "." for the subqueues, is where we seem to have a problem.

I have the following queues:
Alias = Direction = Queue(s)

These Alias definition work, and all the values are properly displayed as expected:
 - 00 - All = Undefined = 9001*, 9101*, 9201*, 9601*, 9800*, q-*
 - 01 - All Inbound = In = 9001*, 9101*, 9201*, 9601*
 - 01 - All Outbound = Out = 9800*, q-*

These do not work as expected, since the * is after the ".":
 - Inbound -AAA = In = 9001.AAA*, 9101.AAA*, 9201.AAA*, 9601.AAA*
 - Inbound - BBB = In = 9001.BBB*, 9101.BBB*, 9201.BBB*, 9601.BBB*
 - Inbound - CCC = In = 9001.CCC*, 9101.CCC*, 9201.CCC*, 9601.CCC*
 - Outbound - 111 = Out = q-1110000, q-111*
 - Outbound - 222 = Out = q-1110000, q-222*
 - Outbound - 333 = Out = q-3330000, q-333*

These also work in reports, but with the *, won't let the agents log in.
 - Queue - 9001 = In = 9001*
 - Queue - 9101 = In = 9101*
 - Queue - 9201 = In = 9201*
 - Queue - 9601 = In = 9601*
 - Queue - 9800 = Out = 9800*

Thanks in advance.


Before we investigate into the matter further, a question: do you have each queue and subqueue defined in QM? because the wildcard expansion happens on queues defined, not queues that are in the raw data.

No, I don't have each of the sub-queues defined manually.  I have the queues, as I listed them.  The ones that start with Queue - xxxx, those are the ones that the agents use to login to.

Ok, so I guess this means that I still need to define them manually elsewhere, just so that the wildcards work?

I was under the impresison that the wildcard would allow the filtering of the raw data.

No - as queues are the basic security items of QM, there is no way that you can access a queue that is not defined explicitly in QM.


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